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  1. G

    Fire ambulance requirements

    Dinuba Fire has ambulance transport for the area. I suspect the OP is referring to them.
  2. G

    How to buff calls in NYC?

    I think the OP accidently put this thread here and not where it should be located.
  3. G

    How much did becoming an EMT/medic cost you?

    $15 for EMT in 1986. $3000 for Paramedic in 1992.
  4. G

    ABC's of being an EMT!

    EMD.....Early Morning Discovery
  5. G

    overnight or day shift?

    When I worked 12s, I loved everything about the night with the exception of the sleeping pattern. The calls were different then in the daytime. The staff at the EDs were generally cooler. Less overall pressure. Generally, call volume was less. Eventually, I had to switch to days due to the...
  6. G

    Which of these cities or counties have ALS fire apparatus?

    Stanislaus County does not contract with CAL FIRE. You can look at many areas of California's San Joaquin Valley in central California. Since that area is generally poorer then then rest of the state, you mainly have BLS FD and ALS private ambulance companies with countywide contracts.
  7. G

    Why do medics with the FD make more?

    Actually, once you get outside of Los Angeles and Orange counties, EMS systems are generally either FD ALS first response (sometimes xport too) with private ALS or FD BLS with private ALS. I think that there are many people on this board that are from LA/OC that the perception is skewed.
  8. G

    Licensure/scope clarification

    Desert is right but it goes even further then that. The medical director is still under obligation of the California EMS Authority and title 22 of the health and safety code. The medical director cannot go above and beyond basic and optional scope of practice as defined in title 22. If the...
  9. G

    EMT Discounts East Bay CA

    If you are trying to save money, you shouldn't be inside of a restaurant unless you are working there. Worst place to "save money". Even with a discount. Bring your food to work.