I would contact some other universities and ask what they do, and how they operate, how much it costs them to operate. 10k should be fine but your prob looking a little more than that for start up costs. and is a golf cart the way to go? what if its raining or snowing, or 10 degrees outside. I...
firetender, I think I made my point incorrectly. I do understand that the elderly need more specialized care, and are in need of the after care services, and should over all be better taken care of. I just feel that the changes that are being made for the eldery should be made across the board...
That rule goes out the window with MCI's, in order so most effiently establish pt care at an MCI you must first identify ALL pts on scene then work on the most critical pt until further help arrives. The rule you stated is a good rule when there are enough personell on scene, but how do you know...
I think this is another example of 'looks good on paper'. Do we need Large scale ER's dedicated to this? Not really, if they take those changes that are made and apply them to the main ER then it will be better for every pt. Like doors instead of curtains, beds that are softer, recliners, it...
I was in a fender bender about a week ago, was rear ended at a red light. Called pd just so i could get a report to file, no vis damage, no inj, but the other veh went under my car and im one of those people who like a spotless perfect car. Cop started out to be a douche also about there was no...
there isnt one in florida, so i have been told by everyone i work for/with, have searched and havent found anything where it says we are. however we are covered under the good samaritan law (cannot be held liable) if we are off duty and decide to render aide.
i have been told that if we are...
i agree with socal, plus who knows what the future will bring, when my dad took medic school he was barely alowed to do what a basic is taught to do now.
this is an awesome tool, but would like to see more before and after, and what the long term affects are. and if they can do this with skin...
im assuming that none of the others on scene besides you and your partner are medically trained. assuming this i would have sent my partner or myself to look for the other pt with pd or fd assist and have someone from pd or fd assist whoever is left with the 4 pts, because they are stable.
saline bag spiked, laid under front tire, line ran into cab through an open window, best if you have an older rig with the triangular vent windows, and have the line pointed at the seat, will soak em most times pretty good
i carry gloves a pocket mask , opa's , and something to help control bleeding, basically anything that will make a major diff before crews arrive. also check with your med control and see what your able to do in your area legally, i know where i live a law was passed that if off duty and we try...
you did the right thing, although the pts sob and cp could be contributing to the ams, pt is a diabetic so its better to check. plus our local protocol is that any pt with ams not from an obvious traumatic inj gets a finger stick, even obvious strokes....
i try to walk around for at least 5-10 min at a time, seems to help some. try to find something you like to do that takes time and concentration, like reading, or if you have computer access, surfing forums like this :P