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  1. tydek07

    automated cpr

    I guess I do not forsee these becoming widely used in EMS... at least not for awhile. The biggest concern of mine is that they appear to get in the way. How would you listen to lung sounds easily? Pt has a pneumo and you decompress, no longer can use this device. As other have mentioned, how...
  2. tydek07

    automated cpr

    Huh' have not seen that one before... They keep coming out with these devices and they have yet truly "caught on". Does this say something?
  3. tydek07


    Oh, I forgot: I'm going to probably sound like an idiot, but please don't be too hard on me. It's my first time posting and I'm a relatively new medic student. Your not an idiot, you are a student :D Students are suppose to ask questions and learn... There two types of students: 1)...
  4. tydek07


    Hi, It does not sound like this pt needed to be intubated. From what you have told us, I would not have intubeted this person... But remember, I was not there and do not know what all was going on. Can you intubate someone with a gag reflex without RSI? Very rare that it would need to be...
  5. tydek07

    Have you been vaccinated against meningococcal meningitis?

    Yah, I got it when I started college.
  6. tydek07

    14 gauge needle (Harpoon)

    For decompressions, we carry 12g needles... we just started carrying those not long ago.
  7. tydek07

    14 gauge needle (Harpoon)

    My choice is 18g on most pts. For trauma, I try for 16's. I have only put one 14g in.
  8. tydek07

    Other Services your Squad/Department Offers

    The service I work for also has a wheel chair service (ReadyWheels) and a medical supply store (Merigan Medical).