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  1. Stevo

    I am starting a new Ambulace Service

    well Charles it probably depends on which goverment your dealing with... ~S~
  2. Stevo

    Slicing Wrists for IV's?

    well i guess someone should inform the Fla state penal system that there's a sure fired way to gain venous access ~S~
  3. Stevo

    How nurses handle emergencies!!

    imho, it would be a big step for the powers that be to hand us the holy water, but i would welcome it. ~S~
  4. Stevo

    1 in every 32

    very true Eddy the short answer would be here, this is what we've all signed on for collectively as Americans; I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiances and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereign, to whom I or which...
  5. Stevo

    National Educational Standards Website

    Interestingly enough they've picked our states training officer to develop the format for specific ems levels, who previously bombed here so badly trying to reinvent our I level it's a wonder he still has a job such as, i suspect a who's who good 'ol boys club... ~S~
  6. Stevo

    How nurses handle emergencies!!

    and do you know of any ems orginization that has, or is willing , to champion these grass root causes Ryder? ~S~
  7. Stevo

    A couple questions wanting feedback

    re; acute distress with only C-scope & O2 bottle? even the dean of a medical college is going to be reduced to simply administering the O's lacking patient records, detailed assessments, or other pertinent history on a 5 minute puha scene because even the dean of a medical college lacks...
  8. Stevo

    1 in every 32

    yes , well... unfortunatly the people involved are speaking, but not being listened to, nor is much of what they're saying in the public limelight Mercy4Angels Michael Powell's timely deregulation of the media insured that $$$= freedom of speech very much a prerequisite of a police...
  9. Stevo

    1 in every 32

    a decent Q VinBin, and one we will eventually confront here . first and foremost, we need to be honest with ourselves, our motives, our goals, our values. as it stands now, we have not been. We were once the light of the world, but those in power that would impose that torch of freedom...
  10. Stevo

    1 in every 32

    good men doing nothing Bossycow? now where did i hear that? yet that's been the score up until this last election, where the swing of power went the other way , almost as radically as it had in the last 6 years and i'm amused at being called a liberal here, for lamenting that pendulum's...
  11. Stevo

    Tis the season!!!

    cheers don't forget the Capt Morgan & eggnog ~S~
  12. Stevo

    sweet sweet aromas of ems

    your so immune you could probably eat at McDonalds now? ~S~
  13. Stevo

    You have a call.... try this one

    so one man's myth is anothers salvation? i'm sure many here remember how a N/R could kill a COPD'er up until we croaked enough COPD'ers doin' the guppy witholding them troublesome thing eh? ~S~