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    Magnesium Sulfate in Asthma

    I believe it inhibits Ca+ from entering the cell. This causes the smooth muscle relaxant effect. We're getting mag sulfate added to our protocols soon. I've heard it works well.
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    BLS drugs

    In Saskatchewan, Canada: Nitroglycerin SL Epi 1:1000 IM ASA Salbutamol Ipratropium D50W Glucagon Oral glucose Acetaminophen Nitrous Oxide Charcoal Narcan Will soon be getting Mag Sulfate for bronchospasm
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    Things told to me yesterday.

    Drives me crazy when people use the close proximity of the hospital as an excuse for not treating their patient properly. Sounds like we work with some of the same people, haha.
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    Contraindications and Critical Thinking: NTG/CPAP

    If the patient is a little drowsy or lethargic you should still be able to apply CPAP, providing they are still able to understand your coaching and directions. Just coach them through it and explain what you're doing to them. Our protocols allow application of CPAP with a GCS of 13 or above...
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    Low dose Ketamine

    Nice! I think our protocol is going to be similar to the ones mentioned; use it if opiates are ineffective or not a good option.
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    Low dose Ketamine

    Hi all, I was wondering how many places have a protocol for, or use low dose ketamine for pain control? Our current protocols allow use of it to facilitate intubation (1.5 mg/kg) but my ambulance service is currently working on developing a standing order with our medical director to use it in...
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    overdose deaths - what drug are you seeing in your area

    Mostly prescription opiates and a bit of cocaine. Crystal meth has been making a huge comeback in the last year or so, which is worrisome. Also people love to OD on baclofen here, too.
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    How do you secure an ET

    I work in Saskatchewan, Canada and we also use only the Thomas tube holders. They seem to work well. I'm in Advanced Care Paramedic school right now and one of my instructors mentioned using twill tape to secure a tube but I don't think I've ever seen it.
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    Looking for resources
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    first call of the day is...

    34 y/o female slipped and fell on the icy sidewalk. Tibia fracture.
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    Sternal rub... who's doing it?

    I do the trap pinch. I think it's the most effective, plus when there's bystanders around, a trap pinch can be done many times without them (bystanders) knowing what you are doing. Versus grinding away on some guys chest with your knuckles.
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    Have you been a career EMT/Paramedic and if not what did you do first?

    I agree with SandpitMedic, I think it's better to have some street experience before moving to Paramedic. Take my opinion with a grain of salt however, cause I'm not a Paramedic yet. Up here we have to have minimum of 1 year experience as a primary care paramedic (roughly equivalent to an EMT-I)...
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    Have you been a career EMT/Paramedic and if not what did you do first?

    I started in ems when I was 21 and I'm very fortunate that it pays well enough up here that I can make a full time career out of it. (I'm 29 now). From what I've seen, most people start when they're younger, like under 25, but I have seen people start working EMS when they are in there 40's...
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    How many calls do you get typically in a shift...

    On average where I work you can expect to do 5-10 calls on a 12 hour shift. Usually in the winter things are a bit slower (the cold weather puts a damper on things) and in the summer, especially long weekends, things get crazy. We can also expect to be super busy when there's money out, like...
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    Funny Ems phrases

    Edison medicine (defib, etc....) WADAO (Weak and dizzy all over)
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    first call of the day is...

    14 y/o male playing hockey. Shoved from behind face first into the boards. No LOC (helmets are a good thing). C/O neck pain.
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    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Hey everyone, I'm Seth. I live and work in Saskatchewan, Canada. I've been a full time PCP (Primary Care Paramedic) working at a fairly busy urban/rural EMS service for just over 8 years. Guess what? I still love my job and wouldn't even think of doing anything else. I'm planning on upgrading...