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  1. rescuecpt

    Repost from TTLWHKR

    My sympathies, Alex.
  2. rescuecpt

    Joined Volunteer Corp...

    In NY you have to be 18 to take the State written exam, so in theory you could start your EMT class the day you turn 17, and take the practicals, but you can't finish until you're 18. Most people I know try to time it so that they turn 18 right around the end of class so they don't loose their...
  3. rescuecpt

    Oops, I didn't say that.

    Take a piece of gauze, roll it up, stick it in the space between the gums and the top lip. The pressure from the gauze cuts off the veins leading to the nose.
  4. rescuecpt

    Uh..What the Heck is THAT??

    Hey, good for you! Post some pics so we can all oogle the new you!
  5. rescuecpt

    Going to college

    Good for you!
  6. rescuecpt

    Stopping at an Accident...

    I will stop most of the time if there are no emergency vehicles on scene, or a cop only. I won't stop if I'm alone at night, but I'll call it in. If I'm with my fiance, we stop if there are no ambulances, and sometimes we even stop if there are ambulances because combined we know someone in...
  7. rescuecpt

    Intermediates attending 911 call

    I believe Suffolk County has only 2 active I's... they're not teaching it in Suffolk anymore - it's Basic, CC, or Medic.
  8. rescuecpt

    Intermediates attending 911 call

    I have recently been told that my EMT-CC in NY is similar to the EMT-I 99, but I haven't checked it out. We (CC's) have the same protocols for everything except medics have a few more standing orders, perform 12 leads, and needle crychs. CC's can perform 12 leads but it's not taught in class...
  9. rescuecpt

    DT4EMS Instructor Course

    My better half may become Chief in the near future (long story) if so, and you still have spots - we may be there. :) I'll keep you posted.
  10. rescuecpt

    Work Pics

    You look great darlin'! Keep up the good work!
  11. rescuecpt


    :) :) :) :) :) :)
  12. rescuecpt

    Need to Change something

    If this is your first week of no-loss/no-gain, it's not a big deal. Plateaus happen all the time, you just have to change something to move past it. You sound like you've done a great job so far, keep up the good work! Are you still working in the hospital? I don't remember, I don't think...
  13. rescuecpt

    Study Guide

    Does that include your hands-on? That could be the missing 15 hours.
  14. rescuecpt


    Awww, they like me! They really really like me! I just got super busy with work - was commuting back and forth to Boston for a few weeks, broke my foot, now things are starting to slow down a bit. :)
  15. rescuecpt


    LOL. Sure, the goddess disappears for a while and no one notices, but Princess they miss. :( (edited because I can't even spell my own darn nickname)
  16. rescuecpt

    Smart Triage or Start Triage- Depends on your County

    How can a statement like that NOT be offensive? Relax yourself, with 1/2 a second of patience you can understand what he wrote. If not, maybe you need to take up some context reading classes or the like.
  17. rescuecpt

    How many runs so far?

    These are the stats my county has up for last year: My service is up to #600 (ambulance only). Last year we ended with 2,700.
  18. rescuecpt

    Smart Triage or Start Triage- Depends on your County

    If you didn't see my other post, talk to Nat and I'll help hook you up with CVAC's program. :)