Search results

  1. fortsmithman

    UK Citizen looking to become an EMT-P

    There is a site you could go to that has the info about what you are looking for in terms of work availability for EMTs in Alberta. Here is a link for the programs approved by ACoP...
  2. fortsmithman

    Higher Paying/Most Desired Depts.

    As well Tim do the companies still pay for your flights to and from the work site if you live out of province.
  3. fortsmithman

    BC (Canada) PCP additions

    You are not mistaken. We do not have any legislation here. It's pretty much what the medical director says. Most if not all mineral exploration companies who hire EMTs/PCPs and EMTPs/ACPs here in the NWT require registration with one of the provinces. My service for example we try to follw...
  4. fortsmithman

    BC (Canada) PCP additions

    Sounds like what we have in the Northwest Territories, where it's up to our individual medical directors what we can and cannot do.
  5. fortsmithman

    Working overseas as a Canadian PCP....

    Alberta calls their PCPs EMTs and they're allowed to do IVs. You should check out Alberta for jobs in the oilpatch EMS.
  6. fortsmithman

    Las Vegas Fire looking to take over transports from AMR

    That's because Fire have better labour unions than EMS. Some areas Fire makes more than police.
  7. fortsmithman

    Do sirens 'NEED' to be on while driving code 3?

    Here in the Northwest Territories the Motor Vehicle Act specifies both lights and siren to be activated when driving priority 1 or code 3.
  8. fortsmithman

    The real story behind the 12 week medic McCook NE

    Except from what I have read those other trades make more money than a paramedic.
  9. fortsmithman

    The real story behind the 12 week medic McCook NE

    Trades are a career. I know of countless plumbers, carpenters, electricians, mechanics, and welders who are tradespeople who have made a lifelong career of their trade. Maybe another word might be used to describe EMS in the USA.
  10. fortsmithman

    Emergency Services Academy ltd. Sherwood park

    Sorry for digging up this old thread but, I have never heard of PERCOM. You do know the school we are talking about does not offer paramedic. They only offer EMR, EMT, and firefighting courses courses and that they are located in Sherwood Park Alberta Canada.
  11. fortsmithman

    Nursing home patients right to refuse care

    In my town the extended care unit is actually another dept of our towns hospital. So it's not really an IFT if we take the pt to the main hospital from the extended care unit its not really an IFT burt an inter dept transfer much like taking a pt to the ward from the operating theatre.
  12. fortsmithman

    Former Smokers. What was your method?

    I smoked for 20 years before I quit. It has been 12 years since i have been a non smoker. What worked for me is that if I was ever caugght smoking I would have to pay whoever saw me 100.00. I had dreams that were so real of me smoking. one think I did do to see if i would go back to smoking...
  13. fortsmithman

    Don't open the door...

    You and my department chief are of the same mind.
  14. fortsmithman

    stoudent starting EMT school in april 2

    When I was 4 I did stick a fork in a power outlet. Maybe that's why I like EMS over the Fire Service.
  15. fortsmithman

    How long were you an EMT-B before Paramedic?

    Maybe Canada and the USA should do what Australia does and require a Bachelors degree in paramedicine to be a paramedic just a suggestion.
  16. fortsmithman

    How long were you an EMT-B before Paramedic?

    One thing surprises me about RNs in the USA they don't require a bachelors degree to be a RN. At the hospital here in town all the RNs have at least a bachelors in nursing with 3 having their masters (they are NPs). EMS and corrections in my view should not be private but in govt hands.
  17. fortsmithman

    How long were you an EMT-B before Paramedic?

    Here in Canada there is a zero to hero program at Medicine Hat College a 4 yr Bachelor of Health Science at the end of it one becomes a paramedic. If we did that required a bachelors degree as is the requirement in Australia. Here in Canada in some places EMT is called Primary Care Paramedic...
  18. fortsmithman

    How long were you an EMT-B before Paramedic?

    Why is EMS the only branch of medicine that requires one to be a lower level provider before advancing. RNs are not required to be LPNs first. Nor are MDs required to be PAs, then why I ask are paramedics required to be EMTs first It should be from zero to hero. Some say you need the...
  19. fortsmithman

    Christian Scientist scenario

    I would pull back at that point and stage a block from the scene and call for police and child welfare to go to the scene. The moment they arrive I would go back in. Because in all probability the child welfare officer would apprehend the child under the child welfare act. Once that happens...
  20. fortsmithman

    Cayman Islands EMS

    From what I have read EMS is under the Cayman Islands Health Services Authority. Below is a link to their web site. As well looking at another part of the web site EMS down their isn't called EMS it's Ambulance...