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  1. L

    AMR's mass hire event in CT

    Strange, must have been a different test. I thought it was a company wide standard test. Each division must create their own test.
  2. L

    AMR's mass hire event in CT

    I found the test to be easy. It is only about 80 questions of BLS content, the rest is Personality Trait questions. You will find that most companies will have you take a test of some kind. If you get hired you will have to go through a Urine test and a physical agility test. Good luck.
  3. L

    Hybrid EMT Class

    I know for me in my class, I asked a lot of questions during the lecture period of class as did other students. I feel that without that in person experience a lot of questions would go unanswered. Also, I feel that without that inperson interaction topics wont be quite as indepth. I remember...
  4. L

    Hybrid EMT Class

    I took a traditional EMT course and i am not sure that an EMT class would benefit from a hybrid course. That said, our continuing education is done using the Hybrid format - assuming we aren't lazy and we do CBT's through King county EMS, otherwise OTEP is the traditional format. Hybrid...
  5. L

    SNF Post fall

    Are the witnesses reliable? If they are reliable then no I am not going to backboard.
  6. L

    Any Washington State EMT's, RN's, Dispatchers, ATS Driver's Looking For Work???

    You recruiting for Falck ambulance or something?
  7. L

    Worried about new job

    Many ambulance companies have been sued. Doesn't make them bad. I don't even want to think how many times my company has been sued. So what if they have been sued for OT issues, are they still licensed with the state then they are still in business. Check their status through whoever...
  8. L

    Service dogs

    So I was reading this article: and it got me thinking, what do you do with service dogs if your patient has one? Do they ride in back with the patient? Do you call animal control or...
  9. L

    EMS and 911 System

    That isn't necessarily true. In the city limits of Seattle there are 8 hospitals (not including childerens or group health). All 8 hospitals can in theory treat anything we bring them. However there are big differences. For example, Harborview is the only Level 1 trauma center in 4 states...
  10. L

    EMS and 911 System

    We take the patient to the most appropriate facility. But we can also recommend which hospital they go to. For example, Harborview is the only Level 1 Trauma Center in 4 states. However, it is also the only public hospital in the region. Therefore almost all homeless and indigent people are...
  11. L

    Article about NYPD officer

    Its actually common for NYPD officers to live with parents. Its not something the author should have mentioned.
  12. L

    Shady als calls given to bls. How do you deal?

    Your in Seattle AMR provides equal level of care. We are on scene in less than 5 minutes most of the time whether it is a fire call, 911 call or SNF call. Our dispatchers are trained the same as 911 dispatchers and have the same certifications. They triage the calls the same as if...
  13. L

    Shady als calls given to bls. How do you deal?

    I agree with you about your opinion. However, some of the SNF's we go into are extremely good and have RN's that can do some pretty advanced stuff. However, this is usually because the patient has known needs that require the advanced procedures and doctors have signed off on it. I have seen...
  14. L

    OPA with overdose?

    Dunno why. It is BLS at the State level. Why do I get sent to Diabetic emergencies but can't do glucometry when I get on scene - Have to call ALS to do a finger stick for me. I would assume that the thinking is something along the lines that airway should be evaluated by ALS.
  15. L

    Shady als calls given to bls. How do you deal?

    Why? What is a 911 call going to do that a private can't? I work for AMR and we run both fire calls and private calls to SNF's. We have the same skills as the engine and aid crews that show up on scene as well as the same equipment. The SNF has RN's which are a higher level of care than...
  16. L

    OPA with overdose?

    You are correct sir - no NPA's here in King County.
  17. L

    Shady als calls given to bls. How do you deal?

    CVA's are BLS here unless they have airway compromise. Nothing ALS is going to do for a CVA - they need a Stroke center ASAP. ALS is going to delay the time it takes patient to get to definitive care. To answer your question - if you need ALS then call them. If you need to run priority then...
  18. L

    OPA with overdose?

    The OPA is not indicated if they have a Gag reflex. If they have OD'd and their breathing is inadequate then use an OPA and begin ventilations, be prepared to suction. Most OD patients are going to vomit anyways whether you use an OPA or not. The OPA is much faster and easier than an NPA...
  19. L

    Staying calm during calls

    Eh...tried to give a little friendly advice. Forgot you medics have to do several hundred hours of precept time. I'll go crawl back in my little BLS hole now :)
  20. L

    Staying calm during calls

    If you read my thread "Oxygen Question" in the BLS section, you will see that I had a similar problem with an FTO. You know your skills otherwise you wouldn't be in the field. You know the protocols otherwise you wont be a medic for long. That is what is important. In the mean time do what...