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  1. truetiger

    Protocol question

    Out in the rural setting, hauling it the the local ED usually isn't an option in most cases of RSI, many times the doctors at these facilities are less familiar with intubation than the medics.
  2. truetiger

    BCCTPC CCP-C certification

    The Centrelearn prep is a waste of money, very very limited question bank.
  3. truetiger

    EMS1 ECG Challenge: The Court's Verdict

    Do I get a cookie?
  4. truetiger

    Best cure for a hangover

  5. truetiger

    EMS1 ECG Challenge: The Court's Verdict

    Anterior MI, spreading to the septal leads.
  6. truetiger

    Pulse Ox?

    By being super aggressive in improving her ventilation. Bronchodilators, steroids, etc.
  7. truetiger

    Pulse Ox?

    Nope, not even close. Here's an example. We have a pt we run frequently that calls for sob. She has a hx of chf and copd among other things. Many times the crew will just roll out there, put her on the pulse ox, and get a reading of 100, leave her on nrb, and say she's fine. If you don't put her...
  8. truetiger

    Interesting ECG that got me....

    Not the same leads, and it does it on pretty much all of the Zoll's. They are not even a year old yet.
  9. truetiger

    Pulse Ox?

    In the presence of low CO, you'll get false low values. IE your EtCO2 could be say 20 yet your PaC02 could be much higher. You're lacking the cardiac output to move the CO2 to the lungs for removal.
  10. truetiger

    Interesting ECG that got me....

    Is it just me or does the Zoll X series just take terrible 12 leads? More often than not it will take forever to pick up a signal in 12 lead mode. Always seems like I'm waiting on a lead or two. Most of the 12 leads seem to be substandard quality as compared with our last Zoll monitor or the...
  11. truetiger

    Pulse Ox?

    Has anyone seen the new "pulse ox like" device that reads svo2?
  12. truetiger

    Interesting ECG that got me....

    Right atrial hypertrophy is typically diagnosed in II or V1 with an amplitude greater than 1.5mm.
  13. truetiger

    Interesting ECG that got me....

    I think you did fine playing it safe, no one will ever come after you for playing it safe. If it was me personally, I would of transmitted the ekg and discussed it with the physician as to if he wanted to activate or not.
  14. truetiger

    Interesting ECG that got me....

    Bi-atrial hypertrophy? Where do you see that?
  15. truetiger

    Pulse Ox?

    The pulse ox does not measure tissue perfusion, it measures the saturation of one red blood cell. If you have a low spo2 and labored breathing, treat accordingly. If you have a high spo2 and labored breathing, treat the patient, not the number, if you have a high spo2 and no cyanosis/complaints...
  16. truetiger

    90yoF dry cough

    Going to need a bit more info...... What exactly happened according to family? Med hx? SpO2? 12 lead? Meds?
  17. truetiger

    Who has the highest paid Paramedics?

    Single role third service. A few agencies in the suburbs pay fire medics 80-100k.
  18. truetiger

    Who has the highest paid Paramedics?

    Around here many pay around 60-70k, usually with free benefits and a pension. Not too bad considering the cost of living in the US.
  19. truetiger

    Hey, whats going on?

    Hey, whats going on?
  20. truetiger


    We use the CF-31's and I like them. Sure they can be a little laggy sometimes, but what computer isn't?