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  1. MedicPrincess

    What have you packed or carried which was useless? What d'you leave OUT!

    AMEN!!!!! But about the 14 NC... overstock... ect.... I tend to have a little extra stashed is my special hiding spots, simply because getting to our HQ where our main supply room is or getting a supervisor around to us some days is impossible. There is nothing more nerve racking that...
  2. MedicPrincess

    What have you packed or carried which was useless? What d'you leave OUT!

    Oh boy..... :P:P You, sir, are my hero! LOL! You consider the KED useless???? Whys that? I too LOVE my Mini-Flash light. I'd like to do away with Next-Hell. Some other form of more reliable communication would be fabulous.
  3. MedicPrincess

    Apparatus Parking at Scenes

    Yes, the link in Karaya's post is it. The CPT won a settlement.
  4. MedicPrincess

    Reflective Vests on the Highway - 23 CFR 634

    In preparation for this change, our company has ensured the vests are on all rigs. They have published a S.O.P change that allows for "progressive disciplinary action" for violations of the rule/law. Currently, when caught without them, we are receiving verbal councelings. Effective Nov 1...
  5. MedicPrincess

    Apparatus Parking at Scenes

    As a paramedic, I COUNT ON those firefighters parking that big red/yellow/white (depending on which district I happen to be with) box BEHIND my truck on a MVC. Their truck not only protects the scene itsself, but it protects me, my partner, and our patient as we are loading them into the back...
  6. MedicPrincess

    Apparatus Parking at Scenes

    Watch the video of the FD CPT being arrested because he refused to allow the fire truck to be moved after the police officer ordered it. This is sometimes a problem everywhere. What do you think? I know we have had officers "threaten" to arrest both FF and EMS for blocking a lane. It hasn't...
  7. MedicPrincess

    Birth Scenario Multiple Choice

    Cutting it is an option, if you cannot get the cord from around the neck. Yes. Especially when it is the safer option.
  8. MedicPrincess

    Birth Scenario Multiple Choice

    Its C. You cannot safely deliver this child. This patient needs a C-Section.
  9. MedicPrincess

    Try Not to say....

  10. MedicPrincess

    EMTLife MySpace

    Okay y'all.... Our MySpace site is really coming along. We are up to 146 "Friends." I put a lot of effort into ensuring anybody that I accept as a friend has some relation to EMS/Fire/LE. I have updated our Music Player. If there are any other songs you would like to see included just let...
  11. MedicPrincess

    Chat Room Conduct Expectations

    This deserves repeating. Adult oriented conversations are expressly prohibited! Whether in posts, open chat, or PM's, if you can EXPECT to be banned from the Chat room - AT A MINUMUM! Let me repeat this... slow and loud... YOU WILL BE BANNED IF YOU CHOOSE TO PARTICIPATE IN ADULT ORIENTED...
  12. MedicPrincess

    Overdose Scenario

    From our protocols on Activated Charcoal..We don't actually have a protocol for administration of Activated Charcoal for a Pediatric patient. It would be one of the few times we would have to call Med Control for Medication Orders. But notice the WILLING/COOPERATIVE statement. Also, 95% of my...
  13. MedicPrincess

    EMS system in the US

    Our Medical Director runs in a QRV (fly-car), sometimes. About 1-2 times a week he will be found responding to calls with us. Sacred Heart Childrens Hospital has a Neonatal transport unit. It is not available for 911 response, and only transports Neonates. It has to be requested through...
  14. MedicPrincess

    Dispatched to residence "person not breathing"

    As stated before... I DO NOT have to call med control before deciding to not to work a code. If CPR has been started, we can also call it without calling med control. Med Control is only RECOMMENDED if we have intubated, got our line, and pushed 2 rounds of drugs.
  15. MedicPrincess

    Dispatched to residence "person not breathing"

    As a Paramedic, I can call it. I do not need to make contact with medical control..... I can also stop and call it after CPR has been started. Sucessful Intubation, 2 rounds of drugs, Asystole still present on the monitor = Signal 7 (DOA). Straight from my protocols... And of course, at the...
  16. MedicPrincess

    Dispatched to residence "person not breathing"

    Pulseless, Apenic, Rigor.... It would go something like this...... "Med 1, Rescue..... Signal 7, call TIPS." No medical control needed. She is Dead. 78 yo, Cardiac Hx, probably all the Alphabet diseases to go with it.... She's gone. Thank the FD for all their help, send them off so...
  17. MedicPrincess

    Consent Concerns

    I have not used the word "Neglectful" in regards to this father. That came from members here, on our forum. There actually has not been a "formal" investigation into this, yet. It only has come to light as an issue now, because the patients father has been on a public forum for about our...
  18. MedicPrincess

    Consent Concerns

    I figured i would let some comments come in before addressing them... With this patient, as soon as the SO informed the father we would be transported he quit adamently refusing, stating simply, "Fine, but I am not paying this bill." Upon arrival at the ED, the physician was informed of all...
  19. MedicPrincess

    Consent Concerns

    A while back I had a call for a 15 yo "fall." Ons with a 15yo M, conscious, not alert. Witnesses state the pt had a ground level fall, striking his head on th metal bar on the bumper of a school bus on his way down. The school nurse describes some possible seizure activity after the fall...
  20. MedicPrincess

    Officer Down.... Oh God... He was such a good man!

    Okaloosa County Sheriff's Deputy Anthony Forgione was shot and killed Tuesday morning as he tried to apprehend a man who escaped from the hospital. His shooter is also dead. Forgione was 33 years old and had two daughters, 5 and 10. Thursday would have marked his three-year anniversary with...