Search results

  1. VirginiaEMT

    EMS peer reviewed journals

    Thank you. That information is a big help. It is hard to started again when you're 48 years old and haven't written a paper in almost 30 years. :rofl:
  2. VirginiaEMT

    EMS peer reviewed journals

    My instructions say that Citations must be in APA style
  3. VirginiaEMT

    EMS peer reviewed journals

    I need your assistance. I am writing a paper on Tiered EMS systems and I need to use 5 peer-reviewed articles to write it. I am at a loss because I have no idea where to even begin. I am not looking to cheat by any means but could use some input on where I should look for these articles. How...
  4. VirginiaEMT

    NREMT-P class, GREAT NEWS!!

    Well, enough of the looking for the online EMT-I/99 to EMT-P class. I found a spot that opened up in a class just 15 miles from my house that starts on August 27 at Piedmont Community College that will work for my schedule. I got the word today that I am in. I can also do my clinicals at UVA or...
  5. VirginiaEMT

    Don't quit your day job.

    Yes, you can do it. I too have a career that I'm not giving up because it is an easy 40 hours(daylight), I make great money, and the two incomes combined is phenominal, and I love it. I am also woking as an EMT-I/99 with a great agency and averaging about 36 hours per week. If you combine the...
  6. VirginiaEMT

    Online EMT-P advice??

    You are correct and we are considered medics in this area and can perform surgical crichs too. This is agency based.. The paramedics that I run with treat me as an equal too. VCU has a good paramedic school too but you must do ALL of your clinicals at MCV and these places are 2 hours from my...
  7. VirginiaEMT

    Online EMT-P advice??

    I can be away several times but just not every week.
  8. VirginiaEMT

    Severed Achilles Tendon?

    I have had a Achilles tendon surgically repaired because of being a middle aged man acting like a kid playing softball. Yes, It can be repaired but will never be the same.
  9. VirginiaEMT

    King vs. Intubation

    The King was used because the crew on scene was BLS only and that is part of our local protocol for EMT-Bs and EMT-Es. We were called to respond medic level to assist a completely different agency. It was me and a paramedic. We are in rural Virginia and paramedics and EMT-I/99s are not in...
  10. VirginiaEMT

    King vs. Intubation

    I had great ETCO2 during the code so that is one of the reasons I decided not to remove it but the E.R doctor showed me an Xray and she definitely had vomitus in her lungs.
  11. VirginiaEMT

    King vs. Intubation

    If you were called to assist another squad with a working code and they had inserted a King airway before your arrival, what questions would you ask yourself to determine if you would remove the King and intubate the patient? I had this scenario not long ago and I left the King in because the...
  12. VirginiaEMT

    First resuscitated code as an EMT-I/99

    Man that felt good. We were called to assist a local county unit(about 7 miles away) for a working code, female in her 50's, and the crew on scene did not have a medic. I had been worried about this situation happening but when we got on scene things just started to happen, I knew what drugs to...
  13. VirginiaEMT

    Why are Paramedics paid so little?

    This is exactly why pay is so low.. I would say a large portion of us, including me, feel this way so why would they pay more if we are willing to do it for free.
  14. VirginiaEMT

    Why are Paramedics paid so little?

    The same reason that airline pilots are paid so little. Airline owners know that pilots LOVE to fly and are willing to sacrifice just about everything to be able to do it, so they know they will do it for little pay. EMS agencies know that medics are willing to do it for little pay because of...
  15. VirginiaEMT

    Synchronized Cardioversion - What happened?

    That would be my question. Why not a amiodarone drip at 150 mg over 10 minutes for this patient, followed by a maintenance infusion? It is my understanding that adenosine is only used in wide-complex tachycardia for diagnostic purposes only, is this correct? With this rhythm, if electricity was...
  16. VirginiaEMT


    Does anyone know if the Percom paramedic school is CoAEMSP accredited?
  17. VirginiaEMT

    CPR Whats the point

  18. VirginiaEMT

    CPR Whats the point

    I was in a hurry and didn't have time for a rebuttal. LOL!!
  19. VirginiaEMT

    CPR Whats the point

    good point
  20. VirginiaEMT

    CPR Whats the point

    I actually asked a question similar to this in EMT-I class because it sure seemed like we spent a lot of time on something that usually does not have a good outcome, when we could have spent many more hours on topics that were actually of far greater benefit, at least that is what I thought at...