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  1. joemt


    I have better luck with the gel ear pieces as well.. they provide a better coverage in closing extraneous noise.
  2. joemt

    Your First Call

    My first call was a 10-50 (MVA) Rollover with partial decapitation, L arm amputation (driver) and Broken Femur (8 year old unrestrained passenger)... The 1986 Bronco II was traveling S. on the Highway when it met a 1990 White Ford Escort on the wrong side of the road...The driver of the Bronco...
  3. joemt

    WooHoo Arkansas is In!!!!

    Only if he's "drawing" Arterial or Capillary blood.... Venous blood would be more of a "Burgundy or Maroon"... :lol:
  4. joemt

    Ambulance Driver = EMT = Medic

    Main Entry: 2medic Function: noun Etymology: Latin medicus : one engaged in medical work or study from the meriam-webster dictionary online..... I'm not really particular.... but, I often refer to "us" as a group as "medics".... Notice I didn't say "Paramedics" because we're not... but...
  5. joemt

    Brief Intro

    Yeah... what wingnut said.... :lol: Welcome aboard.... I agree with you, this is one of the best & most professional / appropriate EMS sites around!
  6. joemt

    WooHoo Arkansas is In!!!!

    or 48... but who's counting?
  7. joemt

    WooHoo Arkansas is In!!!!

    Congrats DT4EMS... it won't be long before you'll be taking over the world! :lol:
  8. joemt

    ACLS, ABLS, ATLS...where does it come from?

    NRP is offered here at one of our progams, PEPP is not.... GEMS is a course that is rarely done around here, but I'm thinking of cornering a bit of the market as it were.... As Rid said, it just depends on where you go to school.. most of the "hireable" alphabet courses will be included in...
  9. joemt

    Alleged EMT Grade-Changing Under Investigation at Ohio Fire Academy

    It's sad that certain programs bend the standards... I don't lose a lot of students, and the majority (17/18 in the last class) pass registry.... I just tend to be a little more strict than most instructors.
  10. joemt

    EMTLife Community Projects

    Does your father go by the ID of Bandaid Patrol on another site? I've seen these pictures before I think....