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  1. M

    othere ways of getting first responder

    What got your banned? And no you can't take a first responder course then test at the Basic level. You can only take the national registry test once your program has signed you off.
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    Management of a potentially aggressive patient on PCP.

    Emotionally Disturbed Person
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    Hypothermia pre hospital

    Smash, two things for you.... First, I might very well be mistaken about that trial, it has been quite sometime since I read it. Second, where are you getting all of your sources from? Are you with a university so you have access to some of those sites like Pubmed, or do you have another...
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    Paramedic School Questions

    Answers: 1- Never heard anything about it but I am not in the NY area. Although looking at their website it was last updated in 2008, and there are still parts that say "under construction".... Also it does not appear to be nationally accredited, which seems to be a growing trend among schools...
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    Management of a potentially aggressive patient on PCP.

    4-8 runs a day? How long are your shifts?? 2-4 calls in a single shift? Wow. So NYMedic where you work BLS is called to the scene first, then if they determine ALS is required you get called in? If so, I have always wondered how your cardiac calls work.... Is ALS getting called out for...
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    medic school blues

    I gotta agree with NVRob. It is a hard course if you want to be good, but by no means a hard course when compared to other medical professions. I am not sure of your education background or what type of learner you are but you just need to go slow and steady (to a certain extent) and have a...
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    Hypothermia pre hospital

    Haha I know Trauma isn't something to site unless it involves humor and special effects. Sarah Burke's accident I think was just too severe and hypothermia or not probably would not have had any effect. Here is a link to paper I found...
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    Hypothermia pre hospital

    Smash, just curious but do you have a reference for your claim about TH not working for neuro? The reason I ask is twofold, first in my favorite TV show, Trauma, my main man (the HEMS medic) chilled the kid with a cord injury and he ended up not being paralyzed. Second, in the recent large...
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    EMT Basic Internship/hours in field

    Well it sounds like it is a little out of your hands.... if the internship happens to work out do it and just try to learn what you can. But if things don't work out, I wouldn't be too worried, 80 hours is only like 7 shifts. For the medic program you will be doing typically a minimum of 360 in...
  10. M

    What Books to Get?

    Thanks for that link! When I have a moment I'll sit down on Amazon and have a look at some of those titles. NVRob, I'd be interested about that drinking game...? We got up to some shenanigans in class but that mainly revolved around cardiology and the pace setting on the lifepacks.....
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    What Books to Get?

    Similar question as the OP, but anybody have recommendations on more advanced books? I am a paramedic and have most of the typical textbooks (AMLS, PEPP, GEMS, a 12-lead book, prehospital pharmacology), but I am looking for more reading on a slightly more advanced level. All the other...
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    EMT Basic Internship/hours in field

    Was an internship portion not offered as part of your Basic? I was under the understanding that a few shifts either in the ER or on an ambulance were "required" to pass most classes. I would keep tabs on that ambulance internship as you wrote in the OP that it was in danger of not reaching...
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    Management of a potentially aggressive patient on PCP.

    Go big or go home. Pretty useful podcast here about this subject: [edit: I guess since I am new I can't post a link... But google EMCrit's podcast on the Art of Human Bondage] The service I did my training time at had Versed, Haldol, and ketamine, and most medics carried handcuffs (as...
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    Interview Tips

    2nd round interview I just got called back for the second round of interviews (well maybe third, since there was a phone interview, then a panel/scenario interview), and I am unsure what to expect.... How does a second round really differ from a panel/initial interview? Do I need to prepare...