Without being there and seeing I have no way of knowing. The hip fractures thus far have so far resulting in feet turnung and limb elongation.
Applying the traction splint on my pts with the upper femur fracture has provided much relief.
If you feel the need to backboard the patient to avoid moving and jostling , then yes, but I would prefer not to if possible. This is where the traction splint is appropriate and I would use that.
Muscle cramps, dehydration, dizziness, headaches. Abrasions etc.
Have plenty of water, cold packs, band aids, saline rinse, , gauze , sunblock , coban and if you can get permission from medical director, Advil .
For testing purposes. If you have extra hands. As someone to stabilize manually while you extract. If you don't... don't.
Emergency moves are just that. Emergencies. Life over limb
Many argue about basics doing 12 leads as they can not read them. I have picked up on some things but I feel the best benefit is sending it ahead to be read. The ed can get a read on them before we get there.
I have yet to give o2 for a cardiac call since their o2 has always been satisfactory for me. I always give ASA for suspected cardiac but that is protocol.
Of course I can also run a strip and give nitro too.
Only chest pain I have needed o2 for as of yet is after auscutating crackles. Pts...
The opa also works splendidly as a tongue blade when you are inserting a king . Since you usually put an opa in first you can use the opa to pull the tongue into the right position as you insert the king.
I finished my class with a 96. My final with a 94 but I still found the test to be hard. Remember it is adaptive. It is going to be hard for you because the computer is going to make it hard.
Personally, I'd be thrilled with these vitals. I'd want to check the pupils etc. But the vitals look great.
However. Start trending. If they start to look funny, then you know there is a problem. Don't forget she had time to calm down.
As for helmet removal. I do it. Removing a helmet...
Mine was 9 months. However this y had made into a college full course class. So I got a lot of credits, etc etc and it was over 2 semesters. What was nice about that is we would have a 4 hour evening of lecture on a Monday. Thursday we would do 4 hours of skills. Monday lecture, Thursday we may...
Pros : be done fast.
Cons: overwhelming amount of information in a small timeframe
Gathering knowledge on the surface, to pass the test but unable to digest it all due to intensity of program.
For a typical layperson, if it makes you feel uncomfortable like you said, throw the HIPAA word around.
I don't talk about my calls. Even in non detail. I just tell them I can't.