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  1. M

    Most Wanted EMS Gifts?

    I have one due to hearing loss, best thing ever.
  2. M

    duty to act?

    All patients in their right level of consciousness have a right to refuse. Not having her sign a release was pretty stupid. Let's remember they came across this, they were not dispatched. She refused all care, how is that abandonment?
  3. M

    communication - who's to blame?

    Actually, once you were able to move the chair, it was time to move the chair. How would it be to soon?
  4. M

    Off-Duty Response

    In my town, yes. I respond off duty quite often to unresponsive etc if I'm close, but it is my squad I'm working with. My pager picks up other towns traffic and I guess if they were in front of my I would do something, but I wouldn't go searching for their patient. I would guess they have their...
  5. M

    Off duty and inebriated

    I think any CPR would be better than no CPR. If this guy had a chance at all and it was due to something besides a major trauma I would avoid mentioning I was an EMT, but dang, I'd risk my license to try. It isn't like it wasn't intentional that whoever was intoxicated and on scene and...
  6. M

    relearning the basics?

    If you want the why, instead of just the solution, I would highly suggest A&P 1 and 2 Or maybe even becoming a nurse or medic.
  7. M

    Ekgs on the bls level

    The er doc really likes it when we send one ahead. Or have a strip in our hand as we walk in. I learned during clinical to do all three. They had me do the 12 leads then I did ekgs in the er as it was what they did during down time.
  8. M

    fact or fiction

    We also have a Zoll. It is awesome. If course we have to start manually and get it set up but it is sure nice for freeing up hands and keeping quality up
  9. M

    Ekgs on the bls level

    And as am EMT myself? I have been taught how to do ekgs, 12 leads and we do 3 leads and include the strips in our paperwork. :)
  10. M

    Ekgs on the bls level

    Actually, they may have wanted it for their paper work as they had a pt they couldn't find a pulse on speaking in full sentences . They only asked for a copy, they never said they needed it for medic school. If that is what they wanted it for they could find 5,000,000 of them online. If you...
  11. M

    fact or fiction

    Press until you hear the click noise silly! I always hated doing cpr on the foam dummies and then the dummies that clicked. I was finally told, you will break ribs.
  12. M

    Too soon?

    I ran my first 911 response, with an experience EMT there backing me up if needed within 2 hours of my state certification.
  13. M

    RN to Paramedic...

    I am currently looking into both. I can obtain my paramedic in one year, only prerequisite being my EMT. Yes it is a fast track program, 4 hours a day, some Saturdays. For me to get my RN, I need one year of perquisites before starting the 2 year program. If I choose the Paramedic...
  14. M

    Just when I thought stupidity in EMS would no longer surprise me........

    Its called food. Meat. You can eat a deer. Its called venison
  15. M


    It never hurts to add with belly pain : Last time they pooped Last period for females. You won't believe how many times older people can't poop and they have belly pain from it. Also on a geriatric patient, altered status with negative stroke signs, normal bgl, ask family about history...
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  17. M

    Do sirens 'NEED' to be on while driving code 3?

    Because it is a fire department and they like sirens?
  18. M

    A question about MAST pants

    We just took them off our truck about 2 months ago. They are still in protocol, they do have their place, but I believe they had only been used once.
  19. M

    another O2 question, unconscious, sorry in advance if...

    I didn't on trauma and got 43 out of 43 points. Its about proper usage.
  20. M

    another O2 question, unconscious, sorry in advance if...

    I had 7 stations on my EMT b skills. I passed them all first try. I did NOT use o2 on any of my pts. While they said you can fail by not using appropriate O2 therapy, I felt not using O2 was the right therapy. My medical was chest pain, previous heart attacks. I immediately did the basic...