Search results

  1. daedalus

    Hey Guys

    Well, with the whole concept of lights and sirens being debated with the latest evidence (which suggests that they are close to useless in EMS), and with the amount of injury and death that occurs from their use, adding to the fact that a 17 year old is not yet a mature adult (want the science...
  2. daedalus

    EMT basic tools

    Does it really matter? No not really. The only tool you ned as an EMR, EMT, or Paramedic is you head. That said, I like to invest in quality things for work (like boots and a backpack to carry my lunch/snacks, books for school, and other things to keep me busy when things get boring). As a...
  3. daedalus

    Daniel Freeman Paramedic School

    I find it funny that they are looking into making Freeman actually apply towards college credit, but the UCLA itself will not offer it. It will be through the Westwood college (which has just been sued for offering junk degrees). Also, the program itself is not even on the UCLA campus, it is...
  4. daedalus

    Paramedic school *tough*

    See, Pharm is sort of difficult but really interesting to me. I think that my desire to actual know the material is what helped me get through it. Is it not awesome to get to learn how drugs actually work at the cellular level?
  5. daedalus

    Paramedic school *tough*

    That is a pretty nasty grading system... I mean, at my school you fail out with below a 75 in the class for more than two test periods or less than 75 on the final, but if you have a 76 you still get a high C in the class, and 80 gets a B, 90 gets an A.
  6. daedalus

    L.A. County EMS Laws

    Say what you want, but I actually worked in LA. I can only offer you the truth from my eyes, the way I saw things, and I recognize that my truth may be blasphemy at another's ears. Like I said, I got the opportunity to see the results of prehospital care on emergent CCT transports. I got the...
  7. daedalus

    Trauma Assessment

    This is something that really takes practice and repetition to get good at. Just remember, for all assessments (medical or trauma) you do the scene size up at the beginning, not matter what. Scene Sizeup: BSI Scene safety # of patients MOI/Nature of illness Needed resources Consider...
  8. daedalus

    L.A. County EMS Laws

    I am referring to Los Angeles County. Most docs I became friendly with would laugh at the prospect of listening to a paramedic's report. That is sad. RNs with the MICN training answer the radios here and the paramedics never call for consultation or for potential creative solutions to problems...
  9. daedalus

    L.A. County EMS Laws

    Oh, and I find it funny that local malls and gyms can provide a higher level of care to cardiac patients than EMTs in Los Angeles who do not work for one of the three-four ambulance companies (out of around 90) who carry AEDs.
  10. daedalus

    L.A. County EMS Laws

    I prefer to work and live in a county where Paramedics do not have to call for orders from a nurse to do anything more than a set of standing orders that fits on half a page of paper (check Procedures Prior to Base Contact) (doctors do not even bother answering radios in LA, next time you are in...
  11. daedalus

    Chief Complaint on a IFT run

    For transports that are discharges, dialysis, or doctor visits, for billing it is generally necessary to place the chief incapacitating condition that is creating the need for the patient to go by gurney as opposed to a wheelchair van or private vehicle. For real IFTs like stat transports to...
  12. daedalus

    L.A. County EMS Laws

    Terrible area for patient care. I do not care what the fire guys make, in fact, I heard a rumor that LA City Fire is laying off over 100 firefighters within the year. Are you even a firefighter?
  13. daedalus

    L.A. County EMS Laws

    I would not trust most of the private folks in LA with my dog's life. However, I would say the same thing about the fire folks as well. It is just a terrible area.
  14. daedalus

    O2 Question...

    Since the poster posted his question on a public forum, and since he has not paid to receive any real advice, we are at liberty to answer his posts with whatever comments we wish as long as they do not break forum policy. I, nor anyone else here, is obligated to answer his questions or provide...
  15. daedalus

    O2 Question...

    Yea, someone was took time to answer your question and you responded with an attitude. I find that distasteful. Plus, oxygen is a drug and can cause harm to patients, I suggest downloading Bryan Bledsoe's lecture on oxygen if you do not believe me. I also second AK's comment about time to...
  16. daedalus

    Suggestions for Medic School

    or PA/MD
  17. daedalus

    New CPR and other cutting edge techniques in Arizona