Search results

  1. Gurby

    2nd degree heart block - does it warrant code 3 return to the hospital?

    At a quick glance, there appears to be a mountain of evidence suggesting that shorter door-to-balloon times are associated with better outcomes. 10 minutes can make a difference. Just because you have 90 minutes until Medicare dings you or whatever doesn't mean faster isn't better for those...
  2. Gurby

    2nd degree heart block - does it warrant code 3 return to the hospital?

    Maybe this scenario is too abstract -- there are so many variables to consider. The likelihood that we find a Mobitz 2 in an asymptomatic patient is basically 0%. Somehow somebody called 911 and we were suspicious enough to put patient on the monitor... I guess it comes down to are we...
  3. Gurby

    2nd degree heart block - does it warrant code 3 return to the hospital? If I incidentally found a 2nd degree type 1, I'd probably ask a little bit about cardiac history and things that could cause it, but not worry too much. If you found a 2nd degree type 2, you probably want to have a high index of suspicion. If...
  4. Gurby

    How much water should we be drinking?

    I am not an expert, and have been wrong many times before, but I don't think pre-hydrating is a thing (beyond making sure you aren't dehydrated to start). In fact, drinking a lot of water beforehand is likely to INCREASE your chances of having fluid balance problems, because you lose some...
  5. Gurby

    NREMT - AEMT Exam

    Are you working somewhere right now? Think about finding a paramedic to tutor you for $20-30/hr. You just need someone to watch you do practice questions who can pick up on where you're going wrong with your understanding of the material / your approach to studying / your approach to...
  6. Gurby

    Educational Arc - What to Plan For?

    I went zero to hero (EMT B->P without experience) and turned out fine. Working as a basic for 2 years during medic school should set you up fine. As you can see though, people have strong and varied opinions about this topic. Medpacks what is your education background? What kind of research...
  7. Gurby


    It just seems strange to me that she could go from being (presumably) normal, to cardiac arrest from DKA 2 hours later... Could it possibly have been a poisoning/ingestion, either accidental or intentional/suicide? St, what were her breaths like, were they deep and kussmaul-ish?
  8. Gurby


    This almost certainly has to either be a primary neurologic or a metabolic problem, I think... Most likely either an ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke I would guess, given such acute onset? Any more info from the son about how she is normally? Was she 100% stone cold normal when he left 2 hours...
  9. Gurby


    Probably you either did really well or really poorly. I've taken/passed it three times: first time I went to 120 questions, second time I finished right at 70, third time I went to like 80ish even though I know this was my best attempt yet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  10. Gurby

    NREMT-P Expired

  11. Gurby

    Facebook video of police using CPR

    It'd be nice to know if the patient OD'd or if he's a diabetic that had a hypoglycemic episode - might be able to figure that out by looking around in the car.
  12. Gurby

    11 back from flat line....

    All respect to Austin, I'm sure he's a great medic. It's too bad EMS1 didn't hire him to proof-read this article... 😭 😭 9/134 = 6.7% 🤔
  13. Gurby

    D50 D10 math

  14. Gurby

    ECG rhythm identification

    I love this site, have probably spent a few hours on here in total:
  15. Gurby

    Chest Pain

    I'm not aware of a window period for STEMI's like there is for strokes? I thought the "90-minute window" is more of a guideline for the ED -- If PCI can't be done within 90 minutes of presentation, they are supposed to start fibrinolytics. It's not like you just don't do a cath in this...
  16. Gurby

    Teaching yourself

    Less whining, more flash cards.
  17. Gurby

    Teaching yourself

    I'd probably do this: Sign up for a NREMT practice question site like Kaplan / JBLearning / etc. Download Anki flashcard program Go through practice questions and use them to guide studying. For example: Based on this question, I'd say jeez what's the heck is "vermitium" or "travicula"...
  18. Gurby

    Ibuprofen vs APAP

  19. Gurby

    Reliable Street Names for narcotics

    If you have some free time, it's fun to poke around on erowid: It's more or less a website "by drug users, for drug users", and they try to provide information and science so people can be as safe as possible when using. It's probably...