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  1. mycrofft

    Transporting an Arrest, Question on a Call

    There you have it. My axiom is :"No one was ever transferred from a hospital to an ambulance for better care". One corrolary to "stay and play" is more cases where field techs determine death in the field rather than it occuring or being called in a hosital.
  2. mycrofft

    Co workers trying to get me fired

    He@@, I had co-workers trying to get me arrested! I retired at 22 years, they all quit or were fired. One was arrested. I won. You can too. Pay attention to the comments above.
  3. mycrofft

    Putting the brakes on the new anticoagulants

    Remind anyone of another seemingly successful scientific experiment that "went public" without an antidote ?
  4. mycrofft

    Putting the brakes on the new anticoagulants

    The medicine? Oh, it is not much. The antidote? Welllll, that ees another matter…… ++++++++++++++ AND I QUOTE "... it offers an alternative to warfarin as the preferred orally administered anticoagulant ("blood thinner") since it does not require frequent blood tests for international...
  5. mycrofft

    Syncopal episodes for pregnant pt

    Just to go farther afield, I wonder how many "healthy" young athletes' (undiagnosed) hypertrophic cardiomegaly presents initially as clinical death during physical stress?
  6. mycrofft

    Putting the brakes on the new anticoagulants However, apparently at this point it's more like yanking on the parking...
  7. mycrofft

    Keeping Calm on Scene

    So half a roofie and some Red Bull worked? ;)
  8. mycrofft

    To transport or not to transport

    Transported a family injured by a drunk driver in our Cadillac ambulance from the scene…with the drunk driver unconcsious in full spinal precaution. Good thing the light was really bad, those big farm brothers wanted to kill that guy.
  9. mycrofft

    To transport or not to transport

  10. mycrofft

    To transport or not to transport

    I'd be very leery about letting anyone ride the cab of the ambulance. Ever. Let LE bring them. What if they become irrational, or if they* murdered the kid? Or they decide you need to go to another hospital? Coded kids are sad but they are the fraction who, if they truly need CPR, are most...
  11. mycrofft

    Syncopal episodes for pregnant pt

    1. Was the syncope hx with menstruation strictly from the pt? Or verified by a parent or such? If unverified, give it a lighter consideration or think of what can occur during menstruation which causes syncope…and hypovolemia is not one in most people. A study about vasovagal syncope and...
  12. mycrofft

    Your labor is appreciated. You solo now?

    Your labor is appreciated. You solo now?
  13. mycrofft

    Keeping Calm on Scene

    Really good stuff above.It sort of comes down to worrying about the unicorns and zebras (i.e., not remembering every little tidbit of EMT lore). Your training was structured to try to organize and present it in a manner everyone has a chance of absorbing and to prevent missing stuff, not teach...
  14. mycrofft

    Reality of Codes vs. AHA Standards

    We used to call "upstroke ventilaion" by another name: inerpolated breaths. The second a compression ended we would "blow the hands back up". This made for very energetic inflations to get in a lungful in about 0.4 seconds and the attendant side effects therefrom, since we had either only...
  15. mycrofft

    Anyone following Burning Man this year? (No I'm not back)

    Raise periscope...
  16. mycrofft

    Bleeding control

    It also keeps the printing from rubbing off. You can put a slip of paper on each side inside your baggie with the date for required inspection or replacement. If you turn in a ticket to central supply off of an opened item to get a replacement, put the ticket in there instead of taping itn to...
  17. mycrofft

    Bleeding control

    If you carry pouches or anything like that in your pockets (or even in those out of the way compartments) over time, first put them in a freezer ziplock polyethylene "baggie" then use some tape to seal it and wrap it closely conformal to the inner pouch. You will avoid breaching the factory...
  18. mycrofft

    Anyone following Burning Man this year? (No I'm not back)

    Good one! Yeah, I drop in one or twice a week afte a stretch totally gone.
  19. mycrofft

    Prison Nurse - Prison Paramedic?

    I worked for a large (over 5,000 imate) jail system which was forced by court order to get non-deputy medical staff in 1980. No EMTs nor Paramedic slots, just RN and various techs when I left in 2010. My understanding is most systems cross-train officers to perform as first responders to...
  20. mycrofft

    Anyone following Burning Man this year? (No I'm not back) Flooding, one traffic fatality. But, I guess that's better...