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    Alabama Ambulance Service Requires Helmets for Employees

    Ah, this is a good point. have ya'll run into issues with this? What was the adaptation that took place to make up for this?
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    The one in SD, was extremely busy. Took a very long time to offload a patient into their ER. The staff their always seemed to be overloaded. But, Kaiser is HUGE, and most likely not all cases are like the one I saw
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    Alabama Ambulance Service Requires Helmets for Employees

    How do you like these?
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    OKC EMSA paramedic program???

    This needs to be a sticky in the employement section, for ALL who ask about this service.
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    OKC EMSA paramedic program???

    I was more referring to Paramedics who have gone through accelerated programs trying to get hired on with agencies that have strict hiring practices. I know they do not have trouble within their own agencies because it is THAT agency that grew the Medic. It is when they go off and want to work...
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    Should nurses be required to complete ride alongs with FD

    I have been in EMS for 8yrs, I like to think I have seen a lot, done a lot and know a thing or two. And I would sure benefit even now from a clinical in an ER or OR. There is SOOOOOOOOOO much a Medic student does not know, the clinical time should be expanding your mind. And as you move on in...
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    OKC EMSA paramedic program???

    Once again, I know nothing about either of these schools so my opinion is 100% non-biased. Robb stated his employers program was better than that of the local CC, I think his is an exception. I had said before there are some exceptions. I think one of the biggest issues with accelerated...
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    OKC EMSA paramedic program???

    Also, I would not be brand new to a forum and call the rules stupid while looking for advice from the users.
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    OKC EMSA paramedic program???

    I know nothing of this program. But certainly, I would recommend a Community College course over any accelerated program. There are always exceptions though.
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    Starting IV's - warn patient what it will feel like if you hit a nerve?

    I ment tendon, it is my understanding you cannot palpate nerves unless they are enlarged. Even then, I could not tell you if it is a neve or a tendon just by feel, personally.
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    Starting IV's - warn patient what it will feel like if you hit a nerve?

    A vien and a nerve feel nothing alike when palpating, my advice. Do not stick a needle in someones skin unless your sure of what you are poking at. To prevent any complications that can arise.
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    Starting IV's - warn patient what it will feel like if you hit a nerve?

    I would not say this, if someone said this to me I would be mortified....... "What do you mean shock of numbness??? Will it be permanent??? I have had IVs and blood draws before and never have a I heard!!!" Those are the thoughts I could imagine a patient would be having. I just say, "Your...
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    It is my understanding that Pasadena, Waco, and Tyler are all BLS fire departments.
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    KCM1 Video

    Well put together Recruitment video, thank you for sharing.....
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    Williamson County EMS- Texas

    Applications are still being accepted. Application period closes on May 1st at 5pm.
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    Local Businesses Donate $8 Million for New Ambulances and Police Cars for Detroit

    Wonder if they will really have those decals on the side or not....... And I think this is great for the city and all, but why are they selecting those expensive enormous ambulances? They won't be able to afford the repairs and replacements. They could get MORE than 23 ambulances if they...
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    Texas EMS

    Williamson County is currently accepting apps, the application period closes on May 1st.
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    EMS1 ECG Challenge: The Court's Verdict

    Forming Anterior Wall MI, 12Leads every 10 Minutes. You can see Twave inversion in lead 3 I believe it was? Which would be a reciprocal. I would call into the ER and either consult the MD with my findings and both agree on an activation or no activation, or treat as ACS and call in once the...
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    Williamson County EMS- Texas

    Typically Williamson County hires twice a year. This year due to adding new positions, we are holding three processes(this one in may is number 2) The process is 3 days long. You fill out an app online, pass a personality profile and then you get invited to attend the three day testing...
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    Louisiana EMS

    Yes, I knew Acadian has many contracts in the areas. Just was wondering about third service systems like NOLA EMS and EBR. Was wondering how our neighbors to the east do it!