Search results

  1. W

    How many on your ambulance?

    Two Paramedics per Ambulance. ALS trucks will have 1 ACP 1 PCP. Ambulance may have more if there's a student on board or someone is doing return to work after leave. Rapid Response Unit, Special Response Unit (tactical, MCI, etc) have one medic PCP or ACP in SUV. Sup's are the same...
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    Baton Rough LA Receives Spec. Ops. Truck with 120 Long Boards & 200 C-collars

    I don't really view them as money drains. We can't
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    Working Christmas Day

    Fifth Christmas in a row and the last for three years until my platoon is up again. Working nights. Generally Christmas isn't awful for us but were also a busy station so it could be better. We make the best of it though. We've got a tree and some decorations up. Well do a gift exchange...
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    C-spine injury or cause of brain cancer?

    No board. The effects of brain CA can be wide ranging and extremely variable as the disease worsens. The eventual cause of death in brain CA is the effects of the large amounts of edema caused by the mass and the resulting interruption of brain functions. Furthermore the most commonn type of...
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    Service Dogs

    The Accessibility for Ontariand with Disabilities Act (AODA) requires that service animals be allowed in all places save those used for food preparation. As a result my service has provisioned every Ambulance with an animal seat belt sized medium and equipped Superintendent and SRU trucks with...
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    Permanent Partners

    I've had the same partner for three years. Makes a busy station way more bearable. We bicker like siblings sometimes but we've built a great trust and get along extremely well. The way my service works (County 3rd Service) is that trucks have a permanent crew that bids into the spot and has it...
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    Nursing home resident dead after confrontation with police

    I was recently involved in a 3 hour Police standoff with an elderly dementia patient threatening himself and anyone who approached with scissors, extremely agitated. I cannot say enough about how well the scenario was handled. Once facility staff were removed to safety, initially arriving PD...
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    What do you use for a watch/timepiece while on duty?

    After my last cheap watch broke, I got busy and didn't buy a replacement. Now I don't really miss it. I use the monitor's clock and event button and the clock in the back of the truck. I'll probably get another work watch eventually but it sure is easier to keep clean without it.
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    FTO Training; Normally Demoralizing?

    We don't have an FTO process per se; at least not in terms of a senior medic making any determinant to independent practice. By virtue of the new hire finishing their college program, passing their provincial exam (though you can be hired and work 6months pending this due to exam schedules) and...
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    Report on Proposed Fire EMS Merger in Toronto KPMG recommended that the City of Toronto explore merging Fire and EMS to save money. Council commissioned a consultant to study the operations of both departments and whether a merger was justifiable. The...
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    How prepared is your system?

    In terms of equipment and resources I'd say we're pretty well prepared and getting more so, I think training of front line staff is where we fall flat. We are a third service municipal agency serving a population of 1.1 million people over, 1700 Km sq mixed urban, suburban and rural. We staff...
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    IV scenario

    If you're going to ambulate the patient why not just pop in a saline lock? If the line is more precautionary I'll often pop in the lock then run TKVO off that (if at all). Makes things easier too if they offload to waiting room or into one of the chair areas.
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    Packing a lunch

    I rock the slow cooker and premake for the week. Some of my go to recipes: - Beef brisket - Korean short ribs - Beef stew - Apple BBQ chicken thighs - Chicken curry I'll grab a portion from that with some steamed veggies or a salad. I also tend to make extra at dinners to ensure...
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    Lights and sirens on all transports

    I thought Boston had a good reputation. Do they transport everyone L&S?
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    How Old is to OLD to stay an EMT?

    Most senior guy at my service has a seniority date in 1968. Started as an RN, switched to Ambulance and has worked through all the transitions from Hospital to Municipal, Ambulance Driver to Paramedic, etc. He's 66 could have taken his full pension years ago. He was planning to work until 70 but...
  16. W

    Ambulance wreck; safety harness

    The Demers you posted is what we have started transitioning all our vehicles to at my service. Probably about half have switched over by this year and I'd estimate another two to rotate out those trucks that haven't (our trucks generally last 3 years front line and 1-2 as a spare before...
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    End Tidal in self ventilating patients

    We have them for our LP15's at work and I love them! I use them for objective measure of respiratory rate, for confirmation of bronchoconstriction and as a monitor for alkalosis/alkalosis. I apply them to all my SOB patients, overdoses and decreased LOC's. They're a great little tool to...