Search results

  1. aquabear

    LA County DHS Ambulance

    UCLA EMS is a student run BLS ambulance for the campus and surrounding area under the umbrella of UCPD. UCLA Critical Care Transport (formerly UCLA Medical Transport) handles BLS/CCT transfers between UCLA Santa Monica Hospital and Ronald Reagan. They also provide the EMTs for their team...
  2. aquabear

    Good Texas EMS Companies to Work for?

    The problem is you have to wait for the next academy to start after you credential as a medic...
  3. aquabear

    Good Texas EMS Companies to Work for?

    If you're a EMT right now, apply for ATCEMS. They pay their EMTs really well compared to all private services and the thrid-service places that hire EMTs, and once you've put in your time, they will put you through an in-house paramedic program for free (if you pass).
  4. aquabear

    Head Positioning for Intubation During CPR

    Up your SALAD game bro! Positioning wise, I have the luxury of having Lucas in my system, so we can pad under the shoulders and in some cases ‘ramp’ the patient on the gurney with ongoing CPR. In terms of difficult airway management, Dr. DuCanto has a bunch of great techniques that our system...
  5. aquabear

    Killeen, TX Paramedic

    I think Marble Falls Area EMS hires part time.
  6. aquabear

    VL exclusively

    So I’ll start with this. We made the change based on data. Our Medical Director looked at our FPS rate with DL and wasn’t happy and so we switched to VL and conducted that study. We now exclusively intubate using...
  7. aquabear

    Austin TX- Acadian Ambulance?

    I’m not 100% positive, but rumor has it Wilco will hire again in the Spring/early Summer. It’s a 3-4 day hiring process and if offered a job, the academy would start about a month after. Wilco has offered positions to people in the very final stages of paramedic school, but you must have your...
  8. aquabear

    Austin TX- Acadian Ambulance?

    Not true good sir. Wilco will hire new medics straight out of school.
  9. aquabear

    Williamson County EMS is Hiring

    We have contracts to take students from ACC, Temple College and EMTS. I’m not sure if we take interns from other schools, that would be something the school would need to contact the department about.
  10. aquabear

    Why do people hate on LA County protocols?

    So some background on my perspective on this: I started my EMS as an EMT in LA County, first working for an IFT company and then with a 911 transport provider. I had to learn LA County protocols when I attened UCLA/Daniel Freeman, but opted to intern out of county. I worked briefly as a...
  11. aquabear

    FBI probes fraud, campaign corruption at Cypress Creek EMS Really surprising considering Cypress’ reputation in the EMS world, especially compared to some of the other providers in the Houston area.
  12. aquabear

    Ketamine vs. Etomidate for induction.

    Use more than 1 vial.
  13. aquabear

    Williamson County EMS is Hiring

    I totally get that. I wouldn’t leave here unless you offered me a whole lot more cash with the same medical director and scope of care. But we do get 250% matching on out TCDRS retirement plan...
  14. aquabear

    Williamson County EMS is Hiring

    Starting pay is $56k with zero overtime shifts. When you include mandatory CEs and early and late punches for crew change, it’s gets closer to $60k.
  15. aquabear

    Williamson County EMS is Hiring

    The schedule is a little confusing because of when our pay week starts, but the cliff notes version is you get a 3 day weekend every other weekend. So for our two week pay period starting on a Friday it’s 3 on, 2 off, 2 on, 3 off, 2 on, 2 off. Vacancies are hit and miss, for the first 2 years...
  16. aquabear

    Williamson County EMS is Hiring

    System wide I couldn’t give you exact stats on the two (pericardiocentesis and cric). I’ve personally performed a pericardiocentesis once this year. They are two tools in our tool box that I am glad to have. We’re using push dose pressors in addition to hanging levophed, again all as standing...
  17. aquabear

    Williamson County EMS is Hiring

    We run two 0700-1900 trucks and have one truck that runs 0800-1830 MTuThF.
  18. aquabear

    Williamson County EMS is Hiring

    Every truck is dual paramedic, and almost all of our Admin and Clinical Practices staff are credentialed paramedics too. That level of care allows us to have a great scope of care because we have a minimum of two highly trained providers on every scene. We don’t need permission from a supervisor...
  19. aquabear

    Williamson County EMS is Hiring

    Our busiest truck averages 9 calls a shift, so 24/48s are doable and admin looks at moving/adding resources once a unit gets close to 10 calls a shift. We also have three demand trucks, two work 12hr shifts and one works 10.5hrs x four times a week.
  20. aquabear

    Williamson County EMS is Hiring

    In case you missed it, Wilco EMS is hiring! Applications close on 1/5 for a testing process that will take place in mid-January. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!