Search results

  1. AJ Hidell

    EMT-B courses for people under 18

    You could not possibly be more wrong.
  2. AJ Hidell

    Medic alert watches?

    That's actually a pretty cool idea. I've never come across one. In fact, this is the first I've ever heard of one. I don't think it is as readily identifiable as a bracelet, but I like the idea better. Once they become more commonly known in the medical fields, it will be an even more viable...
  3. AJ Hidell


    Most areas? How much nationwide travelling and inspecting of 911 systems have you done to reach this conclusion?
  4. AJ Hidell

    Should I take EMT-B Course

    Sure, but again, that is over a year from now. He will have forgotten most of what he learned by then. Not a good idea.
  5. AJ Hidell

    Should EMS be armed

    If they're so good at it, how come they're always getting killed? No thanks. I'll take responsibility for my own safety.
  6. AJ Hidell

    Covering Tattoos

    Not pics of you running around work pantless, you haven't! :D
  7. AJ Hidell

    Covering Tattoos

    Pics or stfu. ;)
  8. AJ Hidell

    I joined the "dark side"

    Heck, I was upset when Rural Metro conned the city into allowing Intermediates in Arlington. I was LIVID when AMR actually whined until they allowed basics in there! The idiots think they are saving money, but they are really just sealing their own fate. Now that the FD is like 85 percent...
  9. AJ Hidell

    Should EMS be armed

    And God Bless them for that! ;)
  10. AJ Hidell

    El Salvador EMS

    I spent six months in San Salvador at Base Aérea Ilopango during the 1980s. Sounds like things haven't changed much since then, except for the advent of 911. The guys we medevac'd in our helos got the best EMS care in the country. Many Central and South American countries have EMS provided by...
  11. AJ Hidell

    unconsc. pt: taping eyes shut?

    You mean it's not? :unsure:
  12. AJ Hidell

    EMT-B courses for people under 18

    The only problem I have with younger people taking EMT courses is that they lose more than half of the knowledge they acquired during the time they cannot yet work because of their age. For that reason, the education should not start until you are old enough to get a job. If you can get a job...
  13. AJ Hidell

    unconsc. pt: taping eyes shut?

    Definitely local. I've never heard it in any of the multiple states I have practiced in. I knew the root of the word, and it's meaning. But I've never heard it used in the context you're using it in.
  14. AJ Hidell

    Hey there! I'm in Texas with family for about a month this summer. Relaxing and seeing some...

    Hey there! I'm in Texas with family for about a month this summer. Relaxing and seeing some doctors, hoping for some good news. Weather is schizophrenic here though. Wassup with you?
  15. AJ Hidell


    These days, most true EMS dispatchers (as opposed to police, fire, or public safety dispatchers) are also certified EMS providers, and at a minimum, an EMT-B. Someone with at least a minimal understanding of EMS and field operations is usually a much better dispatcher. Many agencies even...
  16. AJ Hidell

    Should I take EMT-B Course

    I absolutely would NOT do it unless you are absolutely sure you want to immediately get into the EMS field, and can do so. You will not be able to do so until after high school. And even then, there probably aren't many jobs available for 18 year old n00b EMTs in your area to even use it...
  17. AJ Hidell

    Sternal rubs, trap squeezes & motor bikes

    You should have used "trap" as your search term. Those are the two most recent fights, err... I mean discussions about noxious stimuli. What is appropriate depends upon...
  18. AJ Hidell

    unconsc. pt: taping eyes shut?

    Exactly. In the OR, we know exactly when they are going to wake up. Although I am not sure what a "cor" is (maybe you meant CPR?), I suspect we do not know if or when they will wake up. But there is a good lesson to be learned here about keeping the eyes hydrated. It's something that is not...
  19. AJ Hidell

    This is bothering me

    This doesn't sound good. Who all are you supposed to run strips on with this monitor? Just DOSs, or other patients too? And what are you supposed to do if you get something other than a flatline? I can't think of any good reason for doing this.
  20. AJ Hidell

    emt equipment and commercial flights

    Reminds me of the last in-flight medical emergency I helped with. I had just taken a couple sleeping pills so I could sleep through the 9 hour flight and be fresh when I got back to the states. Just as the drugs began to kick in on me, the flight attendants made a PA announcement asking for...