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  1. enjoynz

    Too much O2!!!

    This story was very much a freak accident, but as it seems to be making headlines overseas, so I thought I'd put it on here for you to have a read. Story as attached: Just a foot note......the...
  2. enjoynz

    1300 extra 'ambulances' on NZ roads??

    If you are waiting for a fight...I can't see it happpening. Mr Brown knows I'm joking...we have a very amicable relationship. Other than I'm old school ambulance and he is not...given the age difference, there are no surprises there.:)
  3. enjoynz

    Just got laid off!!

    Sounds like no protection for the worker or the next employer....sad.:sad:
  4. enjoynz

    1300 extra 'ambulances' on NZ roads??

    What to admit his car is also registered as an ambulance? No comment!;)
  5. enjoynz

    Just got laid off!!

    Don't you guys have Employment Contracts when you sign up for jobs over there? If you are new to a job here (in New Zealand) there is a clause that you have to work for say... 3 months and that gives the Employer time to decide if they want to keep you on or not. (I know you said you were...
  6. enjoynz

    1300 extra 'ambulances' on NZ roads??

    Have you seen anything like this before? Shame that there isn't 1300 extra 'true' ambulances available, given the resent EMS news thread for NZ. lol. Article link as attached...just hope this doesn't give Joe Blogs elsewhere in the world, any silly ideas...
  7. enjoynz

    St John too busy for dying woman

    I think Mr Brown is a bit light on the population of these areas. Stats last taken for this area (Otaki and Levin, with 3 ambulance stations, Mr Brown forgot Foxton) was 29.868 in 2006 at the last census, which would be higher than that now, 5 years down the track. The area of Paraparaumu...
  8. enjoynz

    St John too busy for dying woman

    Here is another article about it. The area talked about here has had on going problems with lack of ambulance officers for years. I would put it down to a certain amount of the issues between St John paid staff and...
  9. enjoynz

    Ambulance involved in crash!

    Updated article! As attached:
  10. enjoynz

    Ambulance involved in crash!

    Not sure who was at fault for this one, with 2 vehicles having a head on and then another hitting them? Story and photo's as attached:
  11. enjoynz

    Partner got mad at me. Was I wrong?

    Did your partner think you crossed the line because he was concerned for your safety, should the patient become aggressive, or did he think you crossed the line by caring too much? There is nothing wrong with holding a patient's hand, if they are concerned or scared and have asked you to do...
  12. enjoynz

    the 100% directionless thread

    Happy Mothers Day! Of course we had ours yesterday, being NZ. Hubbie did a lovely cooked breakfast (teens were still in bed;)) and cooked dinner last night, so it was nice to get the day off! Plus I won $82 on the Lotto ticket my daughter got for me, as an added bonus. Hope you Mum's...
  13. enjoynz

    the 100% directionless thread

    BTW...please take back your tornado's USA. Us Kiwi's, have know idea how to act when one hits!
  14. enjoynz

    the 100% directionless thread

    Exodus what are you doing with an Aussie Chick?:D
  15. enjoynz

    Interesting Cardiac call

    Ok just a wild stab in the dark here, but as none of the readings showed a spike, could her pacemaker have run out of battery power and for some weird reason the heart was beating of it's own accord? As I said, I'm not sure if that is at all possible, but thought I'd throw the question in...
  16. enjoynz

    the 100% directionless thread

    Taking my teen daugther shopping for her High School ball gown, shoes, etc,etc today. Not sure what condition I'll be in when we get home;)? Wish me!
  17. enjoynz

    Patient drop into freezing seas

    Sea dropped granny has died Link as attached
  18. enjoynz

    Patient drop into freezing seas

    Sorry for the typo...I meant patient!;)
  19. enjoynz

    Patient drop into freezing seas

    It's bad enough dropping your patinet on land! This sick woman was dropped into ice cold water while being transfered from a cruise ship. Story as Attached..... Enjoynz
  20. enjoynz

    Death and Dying what is the answer?

    Well I've learnt something new this week, something I never thought that I'd ever think or feel, having been on the ambulance, where you prime goal is to preserve life. The will to want the patient lying before you to die, and die quickly! I was phoned to fly up urgently to see my...