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  1. T

    Urgent !!!! Help , need emt info and sources

    As a student I recommend the honest truth. Want to be "shocking" or "different"? Place a picture of EMT's wheeling somebody away from a totaled vehicle. Then follow it up with the "boring" facts, they can be very interesting if you read into them. Try looking at international EMS, or subsets...
  2. T

    the 100% directionless thread

    Enjoy the pleasures of sailing- stand in a cold shower while ripping up bills! :P
  3. T

    Dozens Ignored a Man Dying on a Sidewalk in Queens, NY

    Okay, so let me try and reiterate your perspective (there is a point to all this, believe it or not :)) You feel that in a situation where you are given no more equipment/information then a civilian, you should behave as one when arriving on a situation that you wish to keep in your...
  4. T

    Dozens Ignored a Man Dying on a Sidewalk in Queens, NY

    I would make the argument that knowledge is just as important as a rig full of equipment. Again, you cannot do as much as the responding EMT's, but you can provide them with accurate information, and help make their job easier. I would appreciate it if you could try and imagine your response to...
  5. T

    Dozens Ignored a Man Dying on a Sidewalk in Queens, NY

    Seems to me as if we are arguing over two different points. USAF raises the point that nobody would want to put themselves in harms way when not required to do so. firetender makes the point that as health care professionals, you will have the capacity to do more in the pre-hospital setting...
  6. T

    Maybe for something different??

    Possible head injury, or could be a sign of a hypoglycemic reaction/the advancing hypothermia. Possible trauma, what is the approximate distance he traveled? He is in advanced hypothermia, and should be wrapped in a blanket/sleeping bag (if possible to do so without aggravating injuries)...
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    Emergency Child Birth

    You delivered your own child?
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    Poll about our participants' military status

    Not military myself, but direct relation to an active non-combat duty personnel. A great big thanks to everyone serving, in every capacity.
  9. T

    I promised a hard scenario, consider it delivered.

    Congrats! Managed to stump a 25 year experienced Commissioned corp officer, with history in both pediatrics and exhaustive diagnosis. Very well done!
  10. T

    Nervous about EMT Practical

    If its going to be practicals, I would suggest hands-on practice. Are any of your classmates willing to do hands-on scenarios out of the text/online before the practical?
  11. T

    "Unconcious Unresponsive"

    If he felt bad before coming to dinner, and had been sleeping out in the car, could he have contracted a virus/inhaled CO2 from a blocked exhaust tube? Just speculation, but the OD seems like its a contributing factor. Holy :censored:, I did not expect to get anywhere on the mark with that!
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    "Unconcious Unresponsive"

    Ceasing to discuss suicide is generally a major warning sign, did we get a more intensive history (what forced him into rehab, drug abuse specifics, etc.)
  13. T

    Emergency Child Birth

    Slightly off topic, but How often do you run into emergency childbirth situations? (if in an urban/suburban environment)
  14. T

    EMT? WEMT? WFR? Just my insight on it all (and hi by the way ;)

    No, stuck by a piece of metal though :wacko:
  15. T

    Show me your ink

    My grandfather had a tattoo of a butterfly and a dragon done while in the navy. He's never really said why, though its fun to confuse people with :P
  16. T

    Survival Straps

    I have a Turks head knot on my wrist, has helped me several times when I needed line during an event. You can also just tie it to stave's or whatnot- but it will take some time to put on a decent amount (30 min for your arm).
  17. T

    EMT? WEMT? WFR? Just my insight on it all (and hi by the way ;)

    And just last week I took the bandages off-:ph34r: (starts humming the twilight zone theme)
  18. T

    Volcanic Disruption

    The last time Katla had a major eruption event, in 1918, glacier runs with house-sized icebergs swept away residents, and extended the southern shore of Iceland by a 5 km spit, in an area where the sea depth was estimated between 2000 and 3000 fathoms...
  19. T

    Mylar "space" blankets. Alternate uses.

    Careful with blasting heat towards yourself if you intend to sleep- when your body rolls over because the heat is a uncomfortable, your moisture will freeze. If you ever have to sleep in an area, but wish to maintain light sources for signals/heat, make two appropriate sized fires on both sides...
  20. T

    Volcanic Disruption

    As most of you are aware, the continuous eruption of Eyjafjallajokul from April 14th onward had disrupted air traffic across most of Europe. While the initial cloud has dissipated enough for mainland European aircraft to take flight, there is a new ash cloud which has caused ireland to close its...