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    Clinicals - DFW

    Well, frankly speaking, its my parent's, and isn't that what isopropyl alcohol and elbow grease is for?^_^
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    Clinicals - DFW

    Would you recommend all of the above for volunteer training/work as well? I don't know if bringing my own stethoscope would seem over the top for a new EMT, and be met with derision.
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    the 100% directionless thread

    What happened? Sorry to hear about your truck, hope everything works out okay.
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    Pat Downs

    Could cutting the pockets be covered under the same standards as removing other articles of clothing? It seems like the best option at this point, at least to me,
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    Farooq Muhammed

    If this can connect with more youth in the city, then i'm all for it. The message is more important then the medium.
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    More than 200 EMTs to have licenses suspended in certification scam

    Go to the top. While you solve the immediate problem by removing the non-certified EMT's, you still keep the door open for repeat occurrences if you don't get rid of whatever organization was falsifying these records.
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    Conn. man: Cutting off arm was surreal experience

    Even though hindsight is 20/20... ...couldnt he have applied the tourniquet during the 6 hour psych up period, and cut off blood flow that way, to dull the pain?
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    In your shoes Also a minor, volunteering with a local FD as an EMT. The only advice I can give, is to be respectful (address everyone as Sir or Ma'am until asked not to), and to work hard at whatever they give you. Even though we are minors, we're doing whats typically considered an adult's...
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    First Impressions

    Well, I submitted my application (typed up, checked, and in a notarized manila folder with my name and assorted contact information on it). I was unable to hand it directly to a supervisor, as there were mostly career personnel there, so I placed it in a marked location for applications. I...
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    BASICS Blog

    Something like ride of the valkyries?
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    Good Samaritan shot for stopping to help

    I think the bigger problem lies with not realizing scene safety- the news report says a neighbor came out and exchanged fire with the killer, should have raised some red flags. While I don't know exactly how the gunman managed to get close enough to shoot the driver at "point blank range", I...
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    Hello from the UK Ambulance Forum

    So, how bout that world cup? :P
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    Funny Funny

    Sorry... ...but this is a repost Still funny, but you might want to use the search function next time^_^
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    Help me fill my personal EMT bag

    Mentioned earlier, where might one find a tactical tourniquet? More for a wilderness first aid setting then an urban one.
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    Do you get "sleep pay?"

    Are you planning on working as both a paramedic and an MD?
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    Hospital uses armed man in unannounced drill

    Not to mention the general paranoia fostered in any patients there at the time...
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    the 100% directionless thread

    After checking and rechecking and having others check and recheck, turning in application for volunteer EMS tomorrow :)
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    Vehicle Checkout/Inventory Sheet

    Look for it in the next round of ambulance upgrades :)
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    Whats going on with AMR?

    I know they got a government contract here in Maryland (as well as the gulf coast area during oil cleanup), so they must have some friends in high places.
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    First Impressions

    As of right now, being disciplined and respectful seems to tone down any hazing (replying with yes sir/no sir/yes maam/no maam). Aside from following directions (which really should be expected of a member) are there any other things that you would suggest to help me get a competitive edge going in?