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  1. Dutch-EMT

    12 Lead EKG interpretations: let's do it!!!

    Well, A brand new one: Female: 85yrs, Found unconscious and not breathing. RR 100/40, SpO2 60%. Aspirated a lot of food. Airway opened with suction unit and 100% oxygen was given. After 5 minutes SpO2 was 93% and this ECG was made. History: only known with SVT, Total Hip and AUE. No...
  2. Dutch-EMT

    12 Lead EKG interpretations: let's do it!!!

    tah06090: Do you have the diagnosis? I'm curious
  3. Dutch-EMT

    12 Lead EKG interpretations: let's do it!!!

    1 Heartrate:about 50 bpm with PAC's 2 Rythm: sinusrhytm with PAC! 3 P top: P top shapes are the same (except the PAC's) 4 PQ/QRS: PQ time (looking at the 10 second print) is <0,2 sec. QRS widened (looking in V2 and V3 I see a small r1). QRS is 120msec so far i can see, so when i look at the deep...
  4. Dutch-EMT

    12 Lead EKG interpretations: let's do it!!!

    Sinusrhtymm 85bpm, right axis deviation. QRS in III 160msec. RBBB with an LPFB. Depolirazation isn't normal, so the same could happen to the repolarization. The negative T's can't say much on this ECG. Maybe a heartecho can tell something more... Only this ECG isn't good enough to tell...
  5. Dutch-EMT

    12 Lead EKG interpretations: let's do it!!!

    A new one. A 62yr old male. ECG made before visit at cardiologist. No chestpain or other problems at moment of making this ECG
  6. Dutch-EMT

    12 Lead EKG interpretations: let's do it!!!

    regular rhytm about 66bpm. P: The 10sec print shows different shapes of P. So i guess on atrial rhytm. P-Q: normal QRS <120msec (looking at I, V4, V5). Axis: normal axis (I positive and aVF positive). Hypertrophy: P in V1 looks like left atrial hypertrophy (second wave looks bigger). No...
  7. Dutch-EMT

    Let's Talk Monitors!

    Does anyone knows the corpuls?
  8. Dutch-EMT

    12 Lead EKG interpretations: let's do it!!!

    Anyone posting a new one?
  9. Dutch-EMT

    12 Lead EKG interpretations: let's do it!!!

    Sinusbradycardia, about 50 bpm. 1st degree AV (>200msec) Axis: I isoelectric, aCF positive, so heartaxis is normal, but about 90degree and heading to the right... R-R1 in II (small), III, avF and a BBB pattern in V1 and V2. I see a wide S in I and III in the 3 lead. Also wide QRS. Low R...
  10. Dutch-EMT

    12 Lead EKG interpretations: let's do it!!!

    Patiënts History: -Only a bad spine caused by age and operated by a plastic surgeon (triggerfingers) -no history at all, no MI in the past. Patient looks a bit tired but is alert. No cheastpain or other complains...
  11. Dutch-EMT

    12 Lead EKG interpretations: let's do it!!!

    Time for a new ECG? I copied this one yesterday. The story behind this ECG: A lady, 90 yrs old. 30-5-2010 she felt down and ended with a pertrochanter femurfracture. She had surgery the same evening. The 1st of june early morning her heartrate was goïng faster. NIBP between 95/55...
  12. Dutch-EMT

    12 Lead EKG interpretations: let's do it!!!

    Interesting link!!!
  13. Dutch-EMT

    12 Lead EKG interpretations: let's do it!!!

    I agree with diagnose MI when there is RBBB. But when there is LBBB and you suspect a MI, will you start treatment with meds? An echo and/or lab (CK and troponine) will confirm MI.
  14. Dutch-EMT

    12 Lead EKG interpretations: let's do it!!!

    I see a BBB (clear in V4 and V5), so that makes it not possible to diagnose on MI based on ST. There are ST elevations in the precordial leads, but with a BBB not reliable for diagnose based on this ECG.
  15. Dutch-EMT

    12 Lead EKG interpretations: let's do it!!!

    Well post it, so we can shoot on it an learn from eachother! That's why I started this topic!
  16. Dutch-EMT

    12 Lead EKG interpretations: let's do it!!!

    nmemtp01: What was the diagnosis?
  17. Dutch-EMT

    12 Lead EKG interpretations: let's do it!!!

    1 Heartrate: +/- 250bpm 2 Rythm: Chaos! it is regular... 3 P top: In V1 it seems to me that there is an AV-block. There isn't any connection between the P and the complex following. It seems like the P top comes together with the QRS in the last complex of V1 4 PQ/QRS QRS seems wide...
  18. Dutch-EMT

    12 Lead EKG interpretations: let's do it!!!

    1 Heartrate: about 75 bpm 2 Rythm: P waves followed by QRS. regular rhytm... sinus rhytm. 3 P: Some P's look different in the 10sec. print. 4 PQ is short. Delta-waves very good to see in II, V3-V6 QRS is <120msec. They look wider as usual. a very small spike after R in III, aVL, aVF...
  19. Dutch-EMT

    12 Lead EKG interpretations: let's do it!!!

    1 Heartrate: ? 2 Rythm: ? 3 P ? 4 PQ ?. QRS ? 5 Axis: I:? aVF:? 6 Hypertrophy: P in V1?. ventricular hypertrophy? 7 Q? ST? T? conclusion based on this EKG?
  20. Dutch-EMT

    Ketamin in head injury

    Ketamin (Ketanest-S or esketamine) is a standard drug in the dutch EMS. It is only indicated to trauma patiënts and is used to repose an stabilize fractures an luxations. When used on a patiënt, midazolam is given to relax the patiënt and to avoid psychic side-effects... Some patiënts realy...