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  1. hometownmedic5

    Responding during civil unrest

    My day to day currently is manning a desk in an office in a small town where nothing ever happens, so this strictly speaking is a hypothetical, but here's my answer. From the threshold, "Do you want to go to the hospital"? If yes, extricate by most expedient appropriate means. I can hear about...
  2. hometownmedic5

    Brand New Medic

    Did your medcon doc want her flown? Aside from a lack of dextrose with which to mix a bladder irrigation sized bag of D10, with the information provided I can't see a helicopter being appropriate; but I'm curious as to the thought process.
  3. hometownmedic5

    George Floyd Paramedics

    You can only be found negligent if you are....negligent(duty, breach, damages, proximation etc). Proceeding with due regard and an accident happens isn't negligence. I may still be responsible for the accident, but I'm not negligent. No, really, that matters. Accidents happen. Your insurance...
  4. hometownmedic5

    Transporting a Cardiac Arrest?

    Your first sentence is at least three sentences, or a compound punctuation nightmare. Start there.
  5. hometownmedic5

    George Floyd Paramedics

    I'm not certain the response particulars are relevant in the examination of the paramedics' role in this thing. I know that I for example am not given a choice in my response mode. If I'm told to respond with L+S and I don't and someone dies or suffers disability that can be tied to a response...
  6. hometownmedic5

    Former EMT 6 years ago. To be an EMT again, should I do EMR (Responder) this Fall semester, then EMT-Refresher next spring? Or just skip EMR?

    The only value EMR/FR offers is some basic medical training to people who are going to be there anyway(Fire/P.D. etc) but aren’t going to commit to EMT training or beyond. That is it’s purpose and it’s limitation. Unless you’re on a department that is making you take the class, or offering you a...
  7. hometownmedic5

    George Floyd Paramedics

    Step one- Get you, your partner, and the fella later to be known as Floyd into the truck as soon as physically possible, preferably with one of those fellas with the firearms. It doesn't have to be fancy or pretty. It's a rapid extrication. The building is on fire, the car is on fire, the train...
  8. hometownmedic5

    Brand New Medic

    That patient probably ends up getting flown in my system too, but for different reasons. My big city academic hospital is about an hour way, with 1 good and 2 bad diversion options along the way. It sounds like she, at that moment, was getting ready to box. Not the sickest patient alive, but...
  9. hometownmedic5

    Brand New Medic

    So I lived this day in recent enough memory to be relevant for you. Here's the best advice I can give you. 1) Know when you're in over your head and say so. Whether it's a sick as s***t transfer that needs critical care(if transfers are a thing for you) or a second medic needed street call...
  10. hometownmedic5

    Brand New Medic

    Here’s the thing though. Even if you’d been put through the wringer and done 500 trauma codes during your ride time, you’d still be a crappy medic for awhile because, just like everything isn’t “granny totes”, everything isn’t trauma codes either. This is a dynamic Job. It takes time to find all...
  11. hometownmedic5

    Brand New Medic

    You're a brand new medic. You are, if you fit the basically universal model for brand new medics, criminally incompetent. Breathe. We're going to get through this. We all, every one of use, started off here. You'll figure it out. Your first bad call will probably be a trainwreck. Nothing will...
  12. hometownmedic5

    Recommendations for gear bags whilst on shift

    Simmer down, Sally. You aren't the OP and I neither replied to nor quoted your post. I was replying to the topic at large. Thanks for playing.
  13. hometownmedic5

    What should I do for my training?

    Well, I guess the first question would have to be where is it exactly that you'd like to be a paramedic? Training and education standards are not standardized across the globe. Achieving certification here will not apply there, and vice versa.
  14. hometownmedic5

    Recommendations for gear bags whilst on shift

    If you try to carry everything in one bag, it's going to weigh a ton. If you try and break everything down into separate bags and pouches and so on, you'll spend most of your time searching for things and rebuilding the system after you tear it apart searching for something. There is one...
  15. hometownmedic5

    Any states fast tracking medics with NREMT for state cert

    OEMS wasn't reachable in a timely manner pre COVID. I'd be shocked to discover the pandemic has improved service at the worlds least productive governmental office.
  16. hometownmedic5

    Anyone know if AEMT training exists in CA?

    The only time Intermediate/Advanced was a game changer was when "they" figured out they could hire I's, pay them much less than basics, and still get to bill ALS, and paint it on the side of the truck. If it was the revolutionary EMS cert you make it out to be, you wouldn't have to look so hard...
  17. hometownmedic5

    Too Many Hoops to Jump Through?

    Ive been called worse...
  18. hometownmedic5

    Too Many Hoops to Jump Through?

    Hiring every schmuck that walks in the door is a great way to ruin an organization. This totally reasonable process isn't a guarantee that you won't still hire a dud, but it's an attempt to move away from the historical approach of "meat in the seat". I've been hired in the room before and been...
  19. hometownmedic5

    Non-driving EMT?

    I have no idea what that wall of gibberish is supposed to mean. Do it, don’t do it, my life won’t change a bit. You asked, I tried, you’re not having it, I’m over it. Being incapable of performing half of your job description is going to make you battle more than uphill. It’s going to be like...
  20. hometownmedic5

    Please extend NREMT recertification until 3/31/2021 0r beyond.

    The National Registry is the certifying body. The State is the licensing/authorizing body; unless you happen to live in one of the few states where the EMS laws were written by people who cant read, like MA, which issues a license they call a certification because they didn’t want truck donkeys...