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  1. M

    Wayne Manor Burns to the Ground

    HOLY BBQ Batman.... can we call FEMA and get a new house
  2. M

    Rescue Me Game

    ok game loaded fast with dsl... beat it first time in
  3. M


    same here..... as i had posted before we chat in here.. and the other seems to have just gon by the way side
  4. M


    well I would have to say that the biggest reason for not posting....some get upset with spelling.... some get upset with the way things are worded... and "A" number 1 .... people posting.. one word replys 10 to 15 times or just replying with a quote just to get there ego.. oppps I mean post...
  5. M

    Should there be an independent investigation?

    people were told to leave before the strom came.. not much else you can do there people stuck in the domes.. conv. center ect.. should have had food drop.. we dropped it faster in 3rd world country's gov. screwed up BIG TIME..... everything arrived the day GW showed up.. hmmmmmm
  6. M

    Gas prices

    it's thurs..... tues. night it was 2.35.. this morning 3.10.. and they said it will go up before days end..... but yet they have not had a del of fuel... they are stealing no other word for it.... it's breaking the law if a contractor is doing this.. or a food store of any type... but the oil...
  7. M

    How do ALS feel doing BLS calls?

    very well said............ I'm ALS... but if it's BLS or BS ... I like the idea of being there if they need help or there are time when they thing they need help.. and it's a ride to the hospital with some chat time thats why I like being a volly... if anything can change... dispatch could...
  8. M

    So where do you live

    not bad.. the sat photos are ok
  9. M

    My drama...

    time to check with the law office of Mr. Weare, Mr. Goin, Mr Tosue
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    Drink of Choice..

    were is the water
  11. M


    LUMPKIN, Georgia (AP) -- The police chief, a county deputy and a paramedic were shot in this small town's courthouse square Thursday and the suspected gunman was killed during an ensuing gunbattle, authorities said. The police chief in a nearby town also was wounded during the pursuit of the...
  12. M

    City Can’t Ask Muslim FF to Shave

    sure why not... if ya don't have to show your face in Fl. to get a drivers permit see how long it take for him to shave... after the smell of burnt hair goes up his nose a few times...... or are they going to rule.. he will not have to enter any area that has fire... cause it may damage his...
  13. M

    Do you even bother?

    maybe some day a worthless person will come to her aid and they might even get a Thank You for being here read tag line.... and walk away with a smile I still stay with my thinking .. when the time comes that we are a payed unit.. it is then that I will stop doing this Doing what I can do...
  14. M

    New Car.. New Plates!

    one plate that is seen around here is EMWOLB ya have to see it in a mirror.. to laugh
  15. M

    Georgia to Allow Felons to Work as Medics

    really only a one word answer.. "W R O N G " but when you thing of the people that think this is a good idea and are the ones that will vote something like this in..... well .. someone could humm a tune in the oval office and say working for the gov... someone could get caught sealing money...
  16. M

    Job security video

    well if ya go to the web site and watch the whole vid... it was a stunt... still it shows that they are still a few fries short of a happy meal.... but i guess if we were to see how some of the stunt people got started... as kids we would see things as weird if not weirder.. if thats a word
  17. M


    I personally checked this against , and it's for real. Warning Emails with pictures of Osama Bin-Laden hanged are being sent and the moment that you open these emails your computer will crash and you will not be able to fix it!!! This e-mail is being distributed through...
  18. M

    Worst MVC I've been on.

    Five people were injured, two seriously. it was cool----- I was there... it's sad when we... look for other to have pain and lost to make us have a cool day not going to pick on you.... cause I have caught myself saying stuff like that to but just a couple of weeks ago... got a call for...
  19. M

    To pretty for Jail...

    LOL.. to pretty..... give her some time in a pretty cell... and a pretty cellmate.. she will fit in just fine..... looks like the poster for the song I'm going home with a ugly tonight
  20. M

    Volunteer or Career?

    All Vounteer.. 35 members my best pay is when the pt. says thank you there has been talk of goin pay in the next year or two.. if it ins. pay to cover transport ok.. if it's pay for members to respond.. I will stop running