Search results

  1. TraumaJunkie

    Bandage scissors: Serrated or smooth?

    just pick up what ever they have in the suply closet @ the ER. its not worth buying my own because i go through multiple pairs a week. they are like the sheets you put on the rack. they tend to get around and you never have the same ones that you started the shift with. but if you must have...
  2. TraumaJunkie

    What do you carry? - The mega thread

    i have my mini mag and my radio. if its a messy call il tuck an extra pair of gloves in my belt. i dont need everything ever made on my belt. thats why we have an ambulance.
  3. TraumaJunkie

    Anyone from massachusetts?

    Sorry but i know for a fact that Catldo doesnt touch any 911 calls in Peabody or Salem. Thats all Northshore Ambulance Territory. If your looking for a company to work for down where you are moving try Lifeline they are a new company thats really grow very fast and they are sponserd by...
  4. TraumaJunkie

    EMT-B pay rate?

    I work just North of Boston. Straight out of EMT class i made 13.00 an hour working for a private company. Heres the website if you want to check out the company
  5. TraumaJunkie

    Does your department have a web site?

    Massachusetts based private ambulance company
  6. TraumaJunkie


    Welcome from Boston! Don't be afraid to ask questions here. As my third grade teacher once said "the dumb questions are the ones you dont ask". Again welcome and hope to here from you.
  7. TraumaJunkie

    The things you've broken/crashed

    I broke the shelf with my shoulder when i was teching a patient. My partner was driving like a bat out of hell (:glare: i have no clue why because we were going in to the hospital on a 2) and slammed on the brakes; sending me flying from the bench into the shelves by the opening to the cab of...
  8. TraumaJunkie

    Advanced Airways for Basics

    When your best is all the patient has at that time thats is what the patient should get. When i started this discussion i was interested whether or not agencies are allowing EMT - BASIC were being allowed to use the combi tube. I think i speak for all of the Basics out there when i say that we...
  9. TraumaJunkie

    What kinda car do you drive? /more questons

    im not sure if the image thing will work. but if it doesnt i drive a Nissan Xterra with strobe lights in the turn signals, the fog and back up lights. it really looks sweet lit up at night.
  10. TraumaJunkie

    What type of junk do you keep in your trunk?

    I was curious if alot of you keep jump kits in your car and if so what do pack in there? All i keep are some nitrile gloves and i have a microshield on my key chain.Thanks All.
  11. TraumaJunkie

    Wolo Light for Dashboard

    i suggest the Galls dashlight. It's cheap, solid, easy to use, and it has a magnet so you can stick it on your roof if you really desire. Don't forget that you have brakedown lights and a horn. That should take care of any cows that get in your way.
  12. TraumaJunkie

    Honoring a DNR

    Remember your only a basic. When in doubt work the patient. And if available call for ALS or contact medical control.
  13. TraumaJunkie

    Advanced Airways for Basics

    Are there any agencies that train EMT-B's to uses Advanced airways such as a Combitube? I know this is a ALS skill but i was just curious to see if anyone was recieving training to do it as a basic. Thanks
  14. TraumaJunkie

    The Scientific Laws of EMS

    upon getting within a half mile of said call, that is on complete other side of your coverage area, you will most definately be canceled by your dispatcher before your arrival