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    Altered Mental Status & Refusals

    Head trauma is not necessarily altered. Seizure in a known seizure patient? Let the seizure resolve and they can refuse. It might not be smart, but dumb isn't a crime. Hypoglycemia? Fix the sugar...

    Got stopped by some EMS guy wanting to inspect my Rig

    If I had been pulled over by a "mobile DUI checkpoint" I would have told him to stuff it. The SCOTUS has laid out very specific requirements for checkpoints, including mandating advertising them and allowing a turnoff point prior to entering the checkpoint. Cops can go fish in some other pond...

    Got stopped by some EMS guy wanting to inspect my Rig

    There's a big difference between allowing an inspection of your employee's vehicle that your required to comply with by virtue of being licensed to practice EMS AND that company being licensed to provide EMS, and a warrantless search of your private property. Also, right, wrong, or...

    ACE Cough

    ACEi increases bradykinin levels, which can lead to bronchoconstriction, and thus coughing.

    Putting the brakes on the new anticoagulants

    Probably because a way to reverse a drug isn't a requirement for a drug to be approved.


    Also, up to 20% of the population can have unequal pupils without any sort of problems.

    Pulse ox and upgrading

    To quote Atlas Shrugged (I'll take useful quotes where ever I can find one), "I'll give you a hint. Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think that you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong."

    Low blood pressure call

    On one hand, I agree completely, on the other hand, it's simply not a battle worth having... especially once you consider that the margin of error for most cuffs are +/-3mmHg. So, in the end, you need a change of 6mmHg to actually prove a change in BP (since 120 and 126 could both be, in...

    Pulse ox and upgrading

    You know, except response to treatment. If oxygenation improves and the clinical picture doesn't, then you have a second problem someplace that needs to be found.
  10. JPINFV

    Got stopped by some EMS guy wanting to inspect my Rig

    Want to take a guess which LACo department EMS falls under? I bet you won't need many guesses too... Do people seriously not know which agency their license is issued from?
  11. JPINFV

    Nitro or aspirin first......?

    People really care about which is given first? Where does oxygen play into this?
  12. JPINFV

    EMS Question Regarding Incident In Emergency Room

    Since when did that happen? ...excuse me, ortho is calling trying to punt another patient for an uncontrolled hypertension of 142/70.
  13. JPINFV

    the 100% directionless thread

    So... the rare negative tooth to tattoo ratio?
  14. JPINFV

    the 100% directionless thread

    It's the Inland Empire, so I'm betting on meth.
  15. JPINFV

    EMS Question Regarding Incident In Emergency Room

    They are free to leave and get a "quote" at a different hospital. I facial lac is not life threatening and EMTALA doesn't mean that the patient gets to dictate which, if any, specialties gets consulted.
  16. JPINFV

    EMS Question Regarding Incident In Emergency Room

    Your experience with consulting physicians is, what, again? Your experience with closing lacerations is, what, again? I can assure you that EPs close their fair share of lacerations and that there is a significant lack of plastic surgeons sitting around at home waiting with abated breath for...
  17. JPINFV

    Hello and Question about IFT

    You still have to do a scene size up (Is this patient within my scope? Do I have the appropriate equipment? What medications is the patient currently on?), an assessment (Do I need to change anything, especially to get the patient comfortable on the transport vent if applicable? Is the patient...
  18. JPINFV

    the 100% directionless thread

    Often the nursing staff will get one before the resident has a chance to see the patient, or the PA in triage will get one if the patient was seen up front before coming back.
  19. JPINFV

    the 100% directionless thread

    Aren't you at ARMC?