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  1. J

    Geriatric care

    Everything Tigger said. Couldn't have put it better.
  2. J

    degrees for all paramedics 10 year plan

    So, how do we go about getting reimbursement changed? You need EMS people in high positions in the government to get that passed, and probably people in HHS. Not going to be easy.
  3. J

    the 100% directionless thread

    Turn to page 312 in the special events section: "During the Superbowl, tummy aches may be attributed to overeating of cheap high fat foods" "Expect diarrhea and emesis to follow approximately 1-5 hours after the Superbowl"
  4. J

    Hello Forum

    If you think your experience is good in EMS, do the quickest course you can find to get the cert, though the NREMT has minimum standards, so your going to get what you need even if you take a 2 month course. FYI, I took a 2 month basic course at my community college and I didn't feel like it was...
  5. J

    ALS or BLS?

    My training is EMT-I, my certification is basic pending results from the EMT-I state test, and I work for a convalescence company full-time that doesn't stock anything past the state minimum on our basic level ambulances (no drugs). Also, very short transport. The EMT-I drug scope in NC is all...
  6. J

    Delete American paramedics.

    Ehh, for a few years. I don't expect the diagnostic radiologists to remember everything from med school forever, but I do expect paramedics to increase in knowledge the longer they work in the field. Another thing to note is that there is one really really big problem with moving medics...
  7. J

    I panicked

    I have a fleece embroidered with a patch from my old service which no longer exists. Looks cool, is really comfortable, and I can wear it off duty at will (since the company doesn't exist). Hasn't gotten me dragged into any impromptu rescues yet, and has gotten me out of one ticket, so I can't...
  8. J

    How do you get into nursing homes after hours?

    I keep a list of door codes for all the NHs on my phone.
  9. J

    ALS or BLS?

    As a BLS provider (convalescence), I have my own rule that regardless of the cause of the patient's injury or illness, if they have been stable for a number of hours or days without anything being messed with, and I don't expect ALS interventions to be needed, i'll take the call. Example 1...
  10. J

    What kind of analgesic do you use?

    I propose the training sigs of all members be changed to "Parathinktheyare"
  11. J

    Dual Sequential Defibrillation

    Kind of a cool concept. You figure these people are dead anyways, so the only risk is that you might save one or two a year by trying it. I believe i've seen it done once, and I don't believe it worked that time.
  12. J

    DNR/Advanced Directivies.

    I'll use any excuse to throw a NC DNR out the window, as I have absolutely no idea whether it represents the will of the patient or the family. It only needs the patient's name and a Dr's signature on it. If they would change the stupid form to require signatures from the patient or POA, I would...
  13. J

    Not Guilty of inappropriately touching patient

    I've seen some medics who just grab the bundle of leads and pull (when appropriate with the pts condition). They usually just all pop off without a problem.
  14. J

    Ever google a call?

    Googled a trauma call once to see how the patient was doing.
  15. J

    Certification Questions

    FYI, you're going to get your threads merged by the mods when they catch you. Don't double post, it isn't necessary. To answer the question, most services don't require many prereqs for EMT-Bs, but you need a CPR cert, and they may want some of the ICS classes. You'll need to ask. You can...
  16. J

    Somewhere inside Mom and 2 kids!

    Some more links with more pics and video: Video from CBS Discharged from the hospital
  17. J

    76 y/o M - Hypotension

    Same questions, but I think the primary reason for referral is the hypotension post infusion. They probably expected better than 82/38 after two units. Seeing as he's being transferred from an infusion center, they may have transferred due to protocol rather than on a doctors specific orders.
  18. J

    Tips for future EMT-I?

    Second this. Go shallow on the IVs, stick a 2x2 under the catheter before you pull the needle, and have your flush/line ready so you don't have to occlude the vein for 5 minutes with one hand while you try to set stuff up with the other hand. Also, no patients will complain that you took the...
  19. J

    high dose nitro

    First one of those.
  20. J

    Do you consider this an arrest, and a save?

    Couldn't say. If the pressure was low after ROSC they probably hung dopamine and if the patient wasn't making any purposeful movement after ROSC they probably started inducing hypothermia. Honestly though, depending on the cause of the arrest and the amount of downtime those could do a lot of...