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  1. usafmedic45

    49 yo C/C of N/V x3 days

    Rhabdo even in a patient with normal kidney function and no risk factors for kidney failure is a bad situation.
  2. usafmedic45

    the 100% directionless thread

    No, he'd have a picture of me.
  3. usafmedic45

    the 100% directionless thread

    Love it.
  4. usafmedic45

    49 yo C/C of N/V x3 days

    Myoglobinuria most likely due to long has she been in bed? I'm with you on the first two but I'm not so sure about the third one until I see an UA.
  5. usafmedic45

    Miramar College - Are they stringent on vaccinations?

    It shouldn't be a problem as long as you start the series. I mean, people start the Hep B series at the start of EMT classes and it takes much, much longer to complete.
  6. usafmedic45

    49 yo C/C of N/V x3 days

    Ah....our protocols were below 88-90% in adults or below 92-94% in kids depending upon the associated situations.
  7. usafmedic45

    49 yo C/C of N/V x3 days

    Why O2? Her sat is at or above 90. It would be of marginal benefit in this case if at all.
  8. usafmedic45

    49 yo C/C of N/V x3 days

    It's about the only course of action we have in the field unless you can do a blood gas and give insulin. Some anti-nausea meds might be in order as well.
  9. usafmedic45

    First ridealong tomorrow.

    LOL You'd be surprised how many students get offended when people point out that they need to move or back off or that they can't do something. Just take a look at the opening post of the "Has anyone ever been refused an intubation during a clinical" thread to see what I'm talking about.
  10. usafmedic45

    49 yo C/C of N/V x3 days

    Blood sugar is the answer to almost the entire presentation. Nausea and vomiting and a relative dehydration are common findings in hyperglycemia. Stick an IV in her, start rehydration and get her to the hospital where they can do something about that blood sugar.
  11. usafmedic45

    the 100% directionless thread

    I'm not so worried about terrorists since it's a small (relatively speaking) aircraft. The 3/4" polycarbonate canopy of the F-22 can stop a 4 lb bird at 350 kts relative velocity. Ours will probably be a thicker than that since we're going to be flying a lot lower and therefore likely to...
  12. usafmedic45

    the 100% directionless thread

    Is it odd that I'm having an enjoyable evening sitting in bed next to Kat (who is sound asleep) looking at spec sheets for various permutations of polycarbonate trying to figure out which one to choose as the material for the windows in the aircraft I'm designing?
  13. usafmedic45

    Spinal Immobilization and Cardiac Arrests

    I have no problem leaving the body where it is. :censored::censored::censored::censored: happens. People just need to learn to be less whiny when it does.
  14. usafmedic45

    Spinal Immobilization and Cardiac Arrests

    In my book, short of lightning strike or massive hypothermia, asystole is a sign of irreversible death.
  15. usafmedic45

    Just to make our skies even friendlier to medevacs...

    I don't think any of these drones could catch an airliner. However, I was on a Cessna one time that was used as a practice intercept target for F-16s. The pilot of the lead F-16 hailed us on the radio and our pilot responded with "Hey GI! Me love you long time!". Much hilarity ensued....
  16. usafmedic45

    Texas Plane Victim

    I guess I was lucky. I just rode home with the MSP helicopter that brought me. It helped that they were based where I was.
  17. usafmedic45

    Just to make our skies even friendlier to medevacs...

    Hell....a lot of airports already carry NOTAMs about heavy UAV traffic. It's not that big of a deal. Even the "stealth" aircraft F-117 and B-2 have to be tracked by civilian radar here in the states unless they are above a certain altitude or in certain airspace. The UAVs are designed to be...
  18. usafmedic45

    Just to make our skies even friendlier to medevacs...

    Class A airspace starts at 18,000. ;)
  19. usafmedic45

    Any ALS instuctors in MD that could do a protocol update with me?

    It's Maryland. Their protocols haven't changed that much since R. Adams Cowley died back in the 1990s.
  20. usafmedic45

    Texas Plane Victim

    Consider yourself lucky then.