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  1. foxfire

    Scary Rescue

    Cool save! I can not imagine watching that many people. :wacko: Some people think they own the place no matter how much effort is put into convincing them otherwise. The guy deserved a ticket.
  2. foxfire

    Just checking: do you know of anyone who works in EMS and homeschools?

    I was homeschooled from third grade to completion and would not have it any other way. I will homeschool my kids when they come along. homeschooling is not as hard as it appears. Mom incorperated family farm stuff into the curriculum and made it fun most of the time. I did dislike math and...
  3. foxfire

    Ick factors

    I can generaly handle urine, vomit, and most other icky stuff. But I can't stand lung butter, colostomy bags, and maggots. *gag* Just about lost it replacing a trach during a respiratory shift. Now my stomach is doing little flip flops thinking about the icky stuff.:wacko:
  4. foxfire

    How much did becoming an EMT/medic cost you?

    LOL, well school has caused a number of friends to accuse me of choosing school over them. There is very little social life during medic school. back to the topic Here is mine expenses, near as I can remember. tuition ~ $8200 uniforms~ $200 books~ $500 tests ~$150 vaccinations $200...
  5. foxfire

    Do You Let Students Buy You Stuff?

    I never ever expect to get special treatment or good marks just because I bring food for everyone at the station. If I did bring anything, it was always out of appreciation of their willingness to endure my fumbles as a student. Most of the time I brought my sack lunch with me. I have had...
  6. foxfire

    the 100% directionless thread

    Hey, that is a song! ^_^
  7. foxfire

    Help with monitors...

    Sounds like a comb, except for lead wires. Hey maybe you can market that! ;-)
  8. foxfire

    Dad gets ambulance ride to son's ball game

    That is so sweet. Bet that made the kid's day.
  9. foxfire

    the 100% directionless thread

    Oh yeah! Found out that I passed the written final exam!! * does the victory dance around the room*:cool:
  10. foxfire

    the 100% directionless thread

    Passed the schools final exam!!!!!!!! :cool: now to pass the practicals exam on monday...... and the NR in August.
  11. foxfire

    the 100% directionless thread

    What is this "friend" thing I keep seeing references to? Something about a game or what?:unsure: Sorry, my social life savy is lacking at the moment. But it will be corrected in a few weeks. :-)
  12. foxfire


    Love it! As long as I have a partner that knows what he is doing I can pick it up.
  13. foxfire

    the 100% directionless thread

    just finished the Fisdap prep exam. boy, was it nasty. 200 questions, alot had two right answers and had to choose between them. the way I figure it, if I can make it through that exam I can make it through NR. two days till final exam, bring it on!!!:P
  14. foxfire

    Medic Students!!!

    Yeah!!!! Congrats! ! Now you have gone from a parawannabe be to a parababy. :cool:
  15. foxfire

    Medic Students!!!

    Yup, and be prepared for friends to get mad when you keep turning down social activities, because You are either to tired or need to study.
  16. foxfire

    65yrs Female, Syncope & SOB

    Wow, that was a strange presentation. Kinda makes sense now that we have the answer. They teach us in class that the pulse ox is the key point for a possible pe. If you give o2 and do everything else and still no improvement in numbers, then good chance of a pe. Thanks for challenging us.:cool:
  17. foxfire

    Drunks love me. How 'bout you?

    I have been called sweetheart, security guard, princess, angel. Had one day where I coulda swore the whole city was drunk, ran twelve drunk removal calls in a row that day. one drunk thought the preceptor was my boyfriend and was trying to convince me to dump the preceptor. The rest of the...
  18. foxfire

    the 100% directionless thread

    ECG's!!! They are making sense now. Kinda, sorta...:)
  19. foxfire

    the 100% directionless thread

    That is awesome! :rofl:
  20. foxfire

    the 100% directionless thread

    I drooled like a running faucet as a kid, I believe it is due to wearing braces for ten years. Still have times of drooling though, I think it is because I sleep with my mouth open. I think it is normal. What's really bad is while napping in a recliner, you wake up choking and sputtering on...