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  1. RRTMedic


    Definitely correct. Do you know why they call it "peak" end tidal? Other than the fact that it's the highest point on the waveform ;) Why is there a gradual accelerating waveform?
  2. RRTMedic

    Oxygen and ACS

    Per ACLS guidelines, in general... Supplemental oxygen should be avoided if the SpO2 is normal and they have no respiratory distress. This includes ACS, STEMI, ROSC, etc.
  3. RRTMedic

    Calcium chloride

    Calcium Chloride (better than bicarb) -> Sodium Bicarb -> D50/Insulin -> Albuterol 25 mg/hr
  4. RRTMedic

    CHF/COPD Exacerbation

    Yeah I can't tell you how many times I've started continuous nebs to CHF patient's under a physician's order. It's not necessarily the worst thing to do, but most certainly not the most helpful. Some patients with CHF who take albuterol psychologically do better after a treatment, or at least...
  5. RRTMedic

    End tidal CO2 questions

    This is definitely off-topic to the original post... but I have found these patients (who are on mechanical ventilation) are usually best placed in a spontaneous, pressure supported mode (which may be PS/CPAP or just SIMV with an extremely low rate). It has been my experience that their...
  6. RRTMedic

    End tidal CO2 questions

    You're absolutely right. These patients are acidotic. The low ETCO2 is most definitely due to the hyperventilatory compensation that is occurring. An ABG may look something like this: pH 7.29 / PaCO2 25 / PaO2 89 / HCO3- 10 Just remember that the acidosis is due to the LOW bicarb... because...
  7. RRTMedic

    ECMO and ARDS

    No problem... Check out a more detailed discussion of ECMO in Adults attached... Love this journal (for obvious reasons)
  8. RRTMedic

    End tidal CO2 questions

    Thanks... I find myself at a remote/slow base staring at the wall haha. What better to do than put my thoughts on a forum? :)
  9. RRTMedic

    ECMO and ARDS

    Sorry, I don't have any evidence to present right off the top of my head, but I will say that the mortality for ARDS/MODS in the adult patient receiving ECMO is proportionately much higher than in the pediatric world. It would seem that pediatric patients in general respond much better to ECMO...
  10. RRTMedic

    End tidal CO2 questions

    So ETCO2 is a correlation to PaCO2, not necessarily an accurate picture of the partial arterial pressure of carbon dioxide. Actually, in normal lungs, ETCO2 reads approximately 5 mmHg lower that PaCO2. However, your question regards the retention of CO2... I'll see if I can give you an...
  11. RRTMedic

    CHF/COPD Exacerbation

    It's awesome that you care about your patient care enough to seek advice about this! Of course, it can be hard to differentiate between COPD/CHF exacerbation, especially if there is a documented history of both co-morbidities in the patient. First off, clinical presentation goes a long way...