Every last one of them (and yes, I work for one) should have their licenses revoked, be subjected to a scornful investigation from LADHS, USHHS, and possibly even the LA County District Attorney's Office. Beyond that legislation should be passed prohibiting such organizations from incorporating...
Really? Paramedics are all going to university and getting degrees in paramedicine en masse? This is something that's not happening in a haphazard, inconsistent manner but is an actual recognized standard for the profession? There's a standardized set of core concepts/principles universities can...
The problem is you really have no grounds to negotiate any of these changes without an industry-wide trend toward higher education. It just can't happen.
(1) Convert all proprietary ambulance services to not-for-profit status, compensate investors for past investment.
(2) Convert all fire-based EMS to independent public agencies.
(3) Transfer federal oversight of EMS from NHTSA to HHS.
(4) Create a professional association representing EMS at...
I wish there were similarities between our ambulance services - those guys straight up handle things.
I was thinking more in terms of the socioeconomic characteristics. I see the US as heading toward a state of affairs similar to what exists there.
Lolz, I cringe at the thought of my company (or any among the litany of private ambulance companies in SoCal) trying to train people in technical rescue. Just sounds like a nightmare waiting to happen.
But they really didn't order her to "take a few steps back" (not that she was close to them anyway), but just for her to go directly back in the house. Plus I'm not at all comfortable with the idea of having to "comply" with a police officer unless they have direct business to conduct with me...
This is probably one of the more infamous cases now. Some states have been considering legislation that would prohibit the videotaping of law enforcement officers in public. More people need to be aware of this.
Yeah being a medic in SA has got to be one of the roughest gigs in the world. I've had the pleasure of meeting some a couple - one guy was from Netcare 911 and I think the other was from the provincial service in Cape Town (although I don't remember). Incredibly nice guys, and have since...
OK, so I watched this last night and I thoroughly recommend it guys. This is really not to be missed. You can watch the whole thing for free at the link in the OP.
I've tried google-fuing this but have not succeeded in finding any further information on it. It looks really interesting, however. Does anyone know anything about this?
Tell Me And I Will Forget
This is a documentary by Justin Salerian, who directed this prior to being admitted to St. George's School of Medicine. It's a commentary on the social and political ramifications of post-Apartheid South Africa from the perspective of its EMS workers.
I haven't...
What do you know, another study by a consulting group deeply embedded with fire department advocacy organizations. Check out the backgrounds of the leadership at ESCI as well as its client base. Just as bad as the economic studies commissioned by the Heritage Foundation.
Taking the charitable...
Yes, we are.
I imagine our Medical Alert Center has a mechanism for mobilizing and coordinating the involvement of private IFT agencies since they're responsible for the management of MCIs.
With that being said, due to local politics, it is rare for IFT providers to be utilized to any...