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  1. RH3075

    Funny Experiences on a Job

    Hi All, I ws wondering if anyone wanted to share any truly funny experiences on calls. One of my best comes from an EDP (don't they all come from EDP's?). We picked up an EDp who was standing on a street corner yelling at traffic. We get him in the back of the bus, and as i can remember, the...
  2. RH3075

    There are NO BLS patients.

    Wow Not even transport and MI and wait for ALS? that seems odd to me.I am in an urban setting with hospitals nearby, but i would never dream of not transporting someone suffering from and MI or other life threatening condition because ALS was not on scene. If they can make it and meet me in...
  3. RH3075

    Road Saftey and Black Box

    Thanks I happen to agree with all of you. I like the box for the most part because I am a pretty safe driver I think. A lot of our citizens see an abulance as a lottery ticket and drive right for us. I would like to think that some day the box is going to protect me in court. We have the...
  4. RH3075

    Road Saftey and Black Box

    Does anyone out there have any experience with the Road Saftey Systems black box system. It plays aduible tones as feedback for the driver inside the bus, as well as recording everything we do. Specifically, I am curious about its impact on resposne times. My agency, an innercity hospital ems...
  5. RH3075

    There are NO BLS patients.

    I would say I cancel ALS when i get to scene about 95 percent of the time. Most of the call descriptions end up being wrong, and the "unconscious pt" ends up being a walkie-talkie with a headache wehn we arrive. I also cancel them just based on ETA most of the time in PT who might be ALS pt's...
  6. RH3075

    Pepper Spray

    I have just started working in a pretty busy urban EMS system. We have our share of violence. Some of our guys carry pepepr spray, but it is not really sanctioned by our rules. My take has always been I do not like to have any sort of weapons in the bus with patients or on scene. If there is...
  7. RH3075

    Lightbars in personal vehicles?

    I'm in a pretty large urban city right across the river from manhattan. One new basic showed up at the medical center where I work with a truck loaded with lights, strobes, sirens etc. He was from the suburbs and wanted to see what working in the city was like. He was instantly nicknamed...
  8. RH3075

    Best line ever

    Hey Jon, Thanks for the welcome. Born and raised here in JC. Im a basic now, but I'm also a nursing student and plan on challenging the medic exam when I am done. I like to hit Philly once in a when I get a hankering for a real cheesesteak. RH
  9. RH3075

    Your First Call

    My First Job My first job [we call them jobs here in northern NJ, not calls:)] was an MVA, car versus telephone pole. The brand new infiniti, 300 miles on the odometer was split in half on a telephone pole. Drunk driver walks away from it, his girlfriend istrapped in the passanger...
  10. RH3075

    Best line ever

    Funniest line We took a pt in cardiac arrest to the ED, medics on board pumping in drugs and doing cpr. Pt.'s brother follows us to ED. We get there and the doc pronounces him. So the doc goes out to the brother ans says "I'm sorry but your brother has passed away". The guy looks at the doc...