Search results

  1. C

    AMR cant staff, fire/ sheriff transport

    It’s so idiotic to force those to play hose jockey if they don’t want to be, that just enforces being a **** medic to get a fire job and not giving a damn. Hell I would do single role if it weren’t for that, I have no desire to fight fires anymore, I like medical. And a lifer medical is going...
  2. C

    El centro/imperial county

    Wow that’s insane, I had no idea they were that short. I mean riverside was also short medics, didn’t realize San Bernardino was that bad too. I didn’t know Amr had such a system for staffing like that. It’s pretty neat actually. makes sense I go out to ocotillo all the time myself.
  3. C

    El centro/imperial county

    Is Amr hurting bad down there? Last time I saw any news Amr was only temporarily taking over after shaefer fell apart
  4. C

    El centro/imperial county

    Anyone here working ems in imperial county? My agency sent an email out asking for volunteers to go on a “strike team” to assist the county doing als/cct/ift transports for a week
  5. C

    book recommendations

    awesome i will look into your recommendations
  6. C

    book recommendations

    kinda figured, but was hoping their might be a commonly recommended book. i tried searching first and wasn't getting anything which is why i ask, this foam ed podcast you speak of is it on apples podcast app?
  7. C

    book recommendations

    fair response lol, i should have been more specific. i guess what i'm looking for is a book improving my knowledge base for wanting to become a flight medic, currently a box medic, work in a very rural setting with routinely 1+ long transports. test prep would also help as well. should i look...
  8. C

    book recommendations

    as title states, looking for a book recommendation for those looking to go flight medic thanks in advance!
  9. C

    Massive MCI at Astroworld

    sounds like we are in violent agreement lol
  10. C

    Massive MCI at Astroworld

    They over took and started dancing on it, you think those kids would have cared if you ran the sirens on them? They probably would have lashed out with anger at them. I don’t think I would have even bothered entering into the mob without a police escort if people were getting crushed what’s to...
  11. C

    AMR cant staff, fire/ sheriff transport

    Bingo, most of the ao programs I have seen they treat the medics like crap and pay them sub Amr rates…. And frankly **** that. Playing the firefighter game and being underpaid. Pass
  12. C

    Massive MCI at Astroworld

    Seems he’s gone back and deleted comments on Reddit, At least from what I can tell, but plenty of nurses including ICU nurses who are literally saying paradoc medics have no experience in cardiac arrests. But I’m also like what average nurse actually deals with an mci? Especially ICU nurses...
  13. C

    Massive MCI at Astroworld

    I mean it in my mind does nullify a bit of his “witnessing” of lack of quality care at the event as he claims simply because he himself became more of a problem than a solution. But I don’t think his department should pay the price or Publicly humiliated.
  14. C

    AMR cant staff, fire/ sheriff transport

    I’m sure la city doesn’t have the units to spare, they’re an extremely busy agency.
  15. C

    Massive MCI at Astroworld

    I find it interesting he/she went on to publicly post that. Had that been me I would have shut my mouth and none said anything at all.
  16. C

    AMR cant staff, fire/ sheriff transport

    Yeah I was talking to one of the nurses/operations managers that I keep in touch with, he said it’s been pretty bad. To top it off they’re making the one cct unit in service run non stop fire/911 calls, so they’re pretty much unavailable to really operate as a cct unit You fly with mercy?
  17. C

    Massive MCI at Astroworld

    Sounds like federal prisons, state doesn’t care though lol.
  18. C

    AMR cant staff, fire/ sheriff transport

    Well from back in the day this exact thing happened in Orange County which led Amr to lose it the contracts there. It happened to be a full arrest in Fullerton and which a 45 minute eta was given so the fire engine transported the patient and they expired. Currently in San Diego they/Amr are...