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  1. karaya

    automated cpr

    I've seen these things in use a few dozen times. All kinds of patients, all kinds of ages, all kinds of sizes; never heard a crunching sound. You sure someone wasn't eating a Kit Kat bar during the code? :rolleyes:
  2. karaya

    automated cpr

    Thank you Sasha for posting the information about the Auto Pulse. You saved me a lot of writing! I've been privileged to see the AutoPulse in use on at least 40 to 50 patients in the last few years. I was also on hand to photographically document the first cardiac save in Missouri whereby an...
  3. karaya


    Hello and welcome!
  4. karaya

    Medical Care the the USA!

    But as Rid pointed out, we do lead the world in R&D for healthcare including pharmaceuticals. We do pay for this research which is passed along to outside the United States at a lower cost. Here is an excerpt from the RAND Corporation Europe report: The United States is the world leader in...
  5. karaya

    Medical Care the the USA!

    Just curious; what was the name of the documentary?
  6. karaya

    My early birthday surprise

    Congratulations! Sounds like it was fun!
  7. karaya

    Education - How to Reach not only Brain but Heart

    I know Rid has touched on this subject last September, but it seems other posters here are not aware of the sweeping EMS educational and Scope of Practice changes that will be implemented starting in 2010 thru 2014. These significant changes include a National EMS Certification Agency, Required...
  8. karaya

    Code 3 response to hospital

    I also agree with this. I travel with EMS all over the country and clearly the use of sirens has markedly reduced, especially when transporting a patient. There does seem to be an increased awareness of its appropriate use. But, in areas of long lights, heavy traffic, etc., the use of lights...
  9. karaya

    Anyone taken an accelerated EMT-P course?

    Just like EMS, getting your pilots license is all by the hours. Do you know how many accelerated flying schools there are out there? I know guys who got their single engine land ticket in just two weeks from an accelerated school. My flight instructor, who now flys for American Airlines, went...
  10. karaya

    Pointless Radio Terms

    Wanna bet?
  11. karaya

    Go Ahead And Tell US

    He's responding to an off topic question that was posted earlier.
  12. karaya

    What was your biggest screw up ?

    What's with your attorney kick on here? Do you really believe lawyers are lurking around here to jump out and start slapping people with no names a lawsuit? Certainly you are jesting, right?
  13. karaya

    Bledsoe O2 Article

    With some of the discussion lately around O2 use, I spotted this Bledsoe article that was just posted on
  14. karaya

    Question Me ?!?!?!

    Only the rented one my daugher rides every Monday.
  15. karaya

    Question Me ?!?!?!

    Do you believe in UFOs?
  16. karaya

    Time and place for everything...

    I would agree to a point. The point is, there is a time and place for everything and a public berating right on the aftermath of the rescue seems not to be the time nor the place. Of course, we weren't there and that makes it tempting to armchair judge this situation. The chief may have had...
  17. karaya

    Floridian Tapped to Head FEMA

    Here is a brief on the annoucement.: From what I learned on the news today, he is a paramedic and former volunteer fireman.
  18. karaya

    I really did it now.

    Ah, well then another round of congratulations!
  19. karaya

    Go Ahead And Tell US

    Quite a bit! It's been exciting to watch and be a part of the changes over the past 30 some odd years.
  20. karaya

    Time and place for everything...

    Sounds like the Chief needs to retire. But, then this is Massachusetts, right?