Search results

  1. karaya

    Health Care Reform

    And just what does racial hatred and desegregation have to do with the insurance reform legislation? Nothing!! Just another way to paint reform dissenters into the same league as racial bigots. Please, I've heard this very comparison being used before and it's just another way to promote a...
  2. karaya

    Health Care Reform

    So you didn't buy insurance for two years? What has changed for you now that this legislation has passed? Do you think you are going to get something for free or cheaper? There is NO public option in this legislation. NONE. Soon you will be FORCED to purchase insurance or face fines by the IRS...
  3. karaya

    SOP's online for general public? Stories wanted

    So what's there to hide by not posting the SOP's? What liability? One where someone screws up by not following SOP? I doubt you will find much on this subject; furthermore, written SOP's (ones that do not disclose security issues, etc.) with many public agencies is a matter of public record.
  4. karaya

    Official Slams D.C. EMS Over 2-Year-Old's Death

    Looks like D.C. EMS is still struggling to get it's act together.
  5. karaya

    Need help identifying light bar. (Pictures)

    And you continue to punctuate my point. The past postings of threads should not be an excuse to continue poor etiquette as you are demonstrating here.
  6. karaya

    Need help identifying light bar. (Pictures)

    This is one good example why people I know have dropped from this site. The OP comes here with a question and goes through the steps to post photos to help with his question. Instead of answering the OPs question, you show up and just can't resist your peddling your anti-lightbar comments.
  7. karaya

    Medic dies at scene responding to suicide call in Bensalem, PA

    Is this a fact or just your speculation about the media's intent? You just asked in an earlier thread for everyone to refrain from "concocking our own stories" and yet your comment about the media seems just that... con-cocking.
  8. karaya

    2010 Olympics starts out with death!!

    I find it fascinating that a "photo of a mortally wounded soldier" is okay to publish so as to show the "reality of war". Would this be because of your ideological thoughts of war? As long as the subject matter endorses your personal convictions of war? Sounds a tad hypocritical to me. Your...
  9. karaya

    2010 Olympics starts out with death!!

    So, Australia has self appointed censors in spite of the law? Makes me all the more glad to be an American!
  10. karaya

    2010 Olympics starts out with death!!

    Because there is no law that says they can't. Canadian privacy tort laws are very similar to the U.S. laws.
  11. karaya

    Flight Medics??

    I think what you actually mean is that general flying accidents happen due to instrument meteorological conditions (IMC). IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) would be required if flight would involve flying in IMC. Of course this would require a pilot with IFR certification. I should note the IFR...
  12. karaya

    Looking for EMS 4 EMS, by Janet L. Schulte

    I just saw Janet today and she said a third printing is going to press shortly. She is not exactly sure of the date, but it will be soon and she advised to just keeping checking on the web.
  13. karaya

    Looking for EMS 4 EMS, by Janet L. Schulte

    I know Janet Schulte personally and I just saw her the other day where she works. I'll inquire about the availability of her book for you.
  14. karaya

    Movie Medic Trauma Kit

    You're forgetting the most important item in your kit that you will handout gobs of... band-aids! I've worked several production locations and band-aids was the most requested item in my kit.
  15. karaya

    Haiti Earthquake EMS response

    I think the word is - improvise.
  16. karaya

    What do you all have on your personal vehicles

    On: Nutten In: Just a whole bunch of camera gear.
  17. karaya

    OK - So I'm done.

    Sounds to me that you've made a decision in the heat of anger. In addition, you've drummed up a conspiracy theory against yourself and apparently didn't get any info from a moderator that you were in fact in any sort of trouble (at least you haven't divulged such information). Perhaps taking...
  18. karaya

    Laid off at hospital, signed up for medic school yesterday.

    Good for you and good luck!
  19. karaya

    EMT Named one of the 10 Most Stressful, but Rewarding, Professions

    They way many medics dress and look for duty now days, they bear a more striking resemblance to baggage handlers.
  20. karaya

    seeing yourself on the news

    Out of thousands of EMS scenes that I've photographed for news, magazines and book publications, I have yet to see a medic flee from my lens. It's best to stay focused on patient care and not be concerned if you will wind up in the news.