Recent content by WyoMedic

  1. WyoMedic

    how to do KED application for NREMT?

    Also, I'm quite certain that you can get the testing criteria for each National Registry station from their website:
  2. WyoMedic

    how to do KED application for NREMT?

    My Baby Has Green Teeth.... Middle(torso strap), Bottom (torso strap), Head, Groin, Top(torso strap). At least that's how I learned/did it for the Registry.
  3. WyoMedic

    Day job - "Night" Job

    I worked as a phleb while working p/t on the ambulance for a bit, and I would occasionally see patients in the field that I had drawn from in the hospital. I would not alter my pt care at all, because most of the time they didn't recognize me anyways. In some cases it helped to know that so and...
  4. WyoMedic

    just about done with my Basic

    Good to see another Wyomingite on here! Sounds like you are on the right track w/ the volly experience and getting your basic. Good luck with the rest of school, lemme know if I can help you with anything.
  5. WyoMedic

    the 100% directionless thread

    I ended up having to do a little more ED time to get the rest of the peds required for my medic program. More parents these days just scoop their kids up and haul some tail to the hospital.
  6. WyoMedic

    EMT as a springboard

    Many people use EMS as a stepping stone for nursing, PA, etc. There is a thread sorta like this in the lounge, you may want to read that one too for additional advice. I think that it will be easier to make this decision once you have been working as an EMT. Maybe you will absolutely love EMS...
  7. WyoMedic

    Do you generally know your EMS providers?

    I feel like I know the majority of the firefighters from the area, as well as a good number of the police officers (helps that a few of them used to be medics...). Know A LOT of the nurses, docs, and techs from the ED as well. As far as facilities outside of the hospital, I recognize several of...
  8. WyoMedic

    Starting clinicals.

    Like the other folks have been saying, IV's just take practice...even the best of us miss one every now and then. Best advice I can give someone regarding clinicals is take initiative. Don't be a recluse that plants your butt in a chair and doesn't talk to any of the staff or offer to help with...
  9. WyoMedic

    Exercise Regimen

    Mostly lifting, but... I try to work out 5x a week, and my workouts generally involve most of the same lifts, just different rep ranges and weight to avoid plateauing. I warm up with a 3 mile run, then I try to focus on the "Big 3": Squats, Bench Press, Deadlifts. I throw some core and...
  10. WyoMedic

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Hello from wonderful Wyoming! I have been perusing these forums for about a month now and finally decided to register in case I ever feel the need to share my opinions. Have had my EMT-B for a few years now and just got my shiny, gold Medic patch last September. Looking forward to joining in...