Recent content by Voodoo1

  1. Voodoo1

    EMR Alberta VS. Manitoba

    Hi there. Your girlfriend will have to contact the Manitoba College of Paramedics and find out if there is anything she needs to do to obtain reciprocity to get licensed there. After which, she has to make her application to the MCP. I don't know what jobs are available in Manitoba for EMR's...
  2. Voodoo1

    IVs for pediatric pts

    Thank you all for the responses. I think my biggest issue was the kid drama. To Vene, I think I'll be following your advice.
  3. Voodoo1

    IVs for pediatric pts

    Does anybody have any tips/tricks for starting IVs in pediatric patients? I'm having a little difficulty finding and sometimes even feeling the veins in younger children (4 and under).
  4. Voodoo1

    Help please!

    Just a thought here, I'm assuming that when you refer to the CHF you're kinda lumping it in with the ARDS pt? If the ARDS is not of cardiac origin than wouldn't Lasix be useless? Wouldn't dexamethasone be a better way to go? I would administer epi to the asthmatic pt if I felt that the vitals...
  5. Voodoo1

    Help please!

    Thank you all for your replies. That's what I had thought, I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't missing something.
  6. Voodoo1

    Help please!

    I had asked this question of my instructor, but have yet to hear back from him. I need to know why I would be establishing an IV line for a patient with a respiratory emergency (COPD, ARDS, Asthma) The question that I had asked him was regarding the treatment of an asthmatic. If a pt were...
  7. Voodoo1

    SAIT - EMT and EMT-P program quality?

    Hi there! PMA from what I've heard, is a great school. However I would suggest you look into AHASTI. Alberta Health and Safety Training Institute. I had gone through the EMR program with them and it was agreed by my classmates and myself when we were testing at ACP, that we had all felt over...
  8. Voodoo1

    Info on EMR to CCP
  9. Voodoo1

    Info on EMR to CCP

    Hi Evan. I'll do my best to help you out here.
  10. Voodoo1

    Very Odd

    I'll have to check back to see what kind of meds he's on. No recent illness, no fever, I can't remember vitals right now, full ROM and no complaints about photosensitivity. Last I heard pt was being seen by neuro December 27th (wife told me). I am very interested to see what's going to turn up.
  11. Voodoo1

    Very Odd

    39 Y/o male, history of schizophrenia, bi polar disorder, psychosis, and edema Pt's c/c is of constant throbbing pain in the cervical spine that radiates to the back of his head. He says that it feels like somebody is punching him in the skull all day long. Pt also complains of numbness, pins...
  12. Voodoo1

    EMT in Alberta looking for resume help

    Hi there. AHASTI is a great school to go to, they expect students to carry a grade of at least 80% (which is a good thing), the instructors are awesome. They don't just teach you to do 'stuff' they teach you why and encourage you to think. Because of that, they have a high pass rate at the ACP...
  13. Voodoo1

    Women in EMS

    There's a few things that crossed my mind when faced with that special brand of crap. 1. I'm just here killing time in between pregnancies. 2. My big strong husband/boyfriend let me out of the kitchen long enough to treat your sorry :censored: 3. Yeah, I know..I'm not strong enough to keep...
  14. Voodoo1

    Cardiac Conduction

    Perhaps I worded that poorly. What I meant to say was that Ca ions are moving slowly through the AV Node and then depolarization continues rapidly through the His Bundle and L/R bundle branches.