Recent content by vasile

  1. vasile


    Thank you very much guys for your opinions and advices,the reason I asked is that I wanted to find out if any of the ambulance services implemented antibiotic treatment for sepsis and if the specific guidelines could have an aplicability in other areas.Here in Ireland Augmentin for non...
  2. vasile

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    50 mcq and 4 saq...
  3. vasile

    Trismus - What exactly causes it?

    Thats sound interesting,I wander if we have a trismus presentation with transtentorial herniation...
  4. vasile

    fact or fiction

    The EtCO2 I think is the best marker for ventilations and quality of your CPR.
  5. vasile


    SIRS or septic patients where travel time is over 40 minutes .
  6. vasile


    Hi guys I wander if any of you use Augumentin in your clinical practice and if you have any link to your guidelines where it suggest in what scenarios can be used.Many thanks!