Recent content by UsualSuspect147

  1. UsualSuspect147

    Unconscious kid lying in a room

    GREAT post.
  2. UsualSuspect147

    Blood Glucose Checks

    Wow that's idiotic. There is no reason to check it in that instance.
  3. UsualSuspect147

    Blood Glucose Checks

    LA - heck yeah we can and I do often.
  4. UsualSuspect147

    New EMT, don't understand a couple of calls.

    Yeah that's what I was going to post. The fact that her pupils were PERRL or not doesn't really matter... her SPo2 does. And I don't see why blood loss would require 15LPM at all. If anything a NRB tends to freak people out, especially children. NC is fine... but 6 is a little excessive for a...
  5. UsualSuspect147

    What is your weight training routine?

    I totally agree, especially for real-world application like the OP is asking for. I work out 4 times a week and run 3 times a week, using a combination of band exercises and strength training (pull ups, chair push ups, dips, etc.). Couldn't be happier with my progress. Also, Whey protein is a...
  6. UsualSuspect147

    EMT Boot Camp Starts Monday

    My opninion means nothing yet since I'm not even in school yet, but I would never want to take a course like that. I would feel like I wasn't absorbing anything and on top of it would have no time to ask questions or practically apply any of the information that I was already forgetting.
  7. UsualSuspect147

    the 100% directionless thread

    I would agree. We carried them in Iraq and in order to carry one you had to be tazed more than once. Same with pepper spray. I carried the tazer.
  8. UsualSuspect147

    Medic School Now or later

    Well that seems a bit insulting to EMTs who love their jobs, of which I've already seen many on here.
  9. UsualSuspect147

    the 100% directionless thread

    I will definitely be seeing you guys in here, sooner than later probably. B)
  10. UsualSuspect147

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Hey everyone I'm Mike, starting EMT-B class here in Louisiana (Gretna specifically) on August 24th. I'm an Iraqi War veteran (OIFII) whose wife is in Law School at Tulane Law and we live in New Orleans. HUGE Saints fan and huge fan of New Orleans although I plan on doing my work on the...
  11. UsualSuspect147

    Officially registered for EMT school. not sure what to expect

    I'm in the same boat and your advice is exactly what I plan on doing. Sitting with my mouth shut and learning while having already read the entire textbook. Can't wait til August.
  12. UsualSuspect147

    New member here. Help!

    Though that does sound pretty boring, in my experience with life you learn from whatever you're given. If you're not happy I'm sure you can find work with a private company.
  13. UsualSuspect147

    Ok, how are you? (Poll)

    I consider myself in above average to excellent shape... getting even better though.