Recent content by thedawg6

  1. T

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    took mine a couple of weeks ago. took me about 30 mins stopped around 85 and passed.
  2. T

    Red Heads feel more pain?

    I call BS on this one. Back when I had hair it was red. I have never really felt that much pain before. I only took pain meds for 3 days after a kidney transplant.
  3. T

    NBC's 'Trauma' given a DNR

    no big loss
  4. T

    Should I be an EMT or emergency room technician?

    The ER techs in my hospital tend to be pt transport. They don't really do anything other than take pts being admitted to their room.
  5. T

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    What's up guys? I'm Tim and I'm currently in the EMT program. Plan on going on to Paramedic and then nursing.
  6. T

    Questions about Boots

    check out the Adidas GSG9 boots.
  7. T

    Organ Donation?

    Would love to see some published material to back up your claim. And if something happened and you needed a transplant would your view change or would you fall into the "never return to any kind of meaningful employment and thus represent nothing more than a huge burden on society due to the...