Recent content by susiegirl07

  1. S

    Difference between PA medic and NJ medic

    Thank you guys for all the information. As I have had a couple of shifts I can see that NJ is the "mother may I" state and Pa is very different. I am working in the Northeastern part of PA and I enjoy riding a lot. I have learned that when in doubt call med command, otherwise follow your...
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    Difference between PA medic and NJ medic

    Thank you both for such informative posts. I start my orientation shift tomorrow on a PA unit. :P
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    Difference between PA medic and NJ medic

    What is the difference between a NJ medic and a PA medic. I know NJ works with two medics and PA only one medic with an EMT. Are standing orders the same? Personally if you have a cardiac arrest and you have to do it all isn't that putting the patient at risk cause your only one person? Any...
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    What is the difference between a NJ medic and a PA medic. I know NJ works with two medics and...

    What is the difference between a NJ medic and a PA medic. I know NJ works with two medics and PA only one medic with an EMT. Are standing orders the same? Personally if you have a cardiac arrest and you have to do it all isn't that putting the patient at risk cause your only one person? Any...
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    NREMT-P failed test twice

    MICP 3411 yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    NREMT-P failed test twice

    110.00 a pop! Gets real expensive when you fail more than once!
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    NREMT-P failed test twice

    Wow you have been through a lot to get to where you are today! As humbling as this process is it will make you better in the end. Take a deep breathe and realize you CAN do this! I struggled with this test I feel for a few reasons: 1. I was very anxious after my first attempt and had to...
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    Good Luck. Just take it slow and read all the answers before picking one. Edit....I just noticed the date and saw you already took your exam. Update?
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    NREMT-P failed test twice

    In my humble opinion the learning has just begun!! I plan on learning every single day!!! That test was no easy task and I studied very hard for it. Funny thing is I felt like everything I studied for was not on the test!!
  10. S

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    NREMT-P 150 first time, 80 something second time and finally 72 and a PASS!!!!!!! What a test and I am sooo relieved that it is behind me now!!! For all of you that did not pass first time or even second time do NOT give up!!
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    NREMT-P failed test twice

    I took my test today at 8a and just found out like 8 horrific hours later that I PASSED!!!!!! 72 questions and I walked out of there not knowing whether I passed or not and as the day went on I kept thinking "did I get that one right, how bout that other one and so on and so on. The waiting...
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    NREMT-P failed test twice

    very soon!!!!
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    NREMT-P failed test twice

    The first time around I was scoring 90-95% on Second time around on another site which I believed was better I was scoring 96-98% As I said the knowledge is there and what I studied were to me actually harder questions then in the registry...
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    NREMT-P failed test twice

    Thank you for your knowledgable post! I do believe my biggest problem is the way I'm reading the question and that I might be reading too much "into" the question. Your example question is a good one and I probably would of answered something besides airway if it wasn't you...
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    NREMT-P failed test twice

    the other site you send me I cannot open