Recent content by RMH4986

  1. RMH4986

    what is a few of the hardest things to learn in the EMT-B courses?

    just rember your ABC's and OPQRST and SAMPLE and you should be ok most of it is common sence and you cant teach that Onset Provoking Qualty Raditing Symptoms Time Signs and symptoms Alergys Meds Past medical history Last oral intake Events leading thoes are for medicals and for trama there's...
  2. RMH4986

    new trucks

    ok my copany is going away from the ford trama hauks for the new chevey van type anyone have any pros or cons? i'm not sure what to think.
  3. RMH4986


    ok i work for a private copany and we have gps in the truck not the one we can use buy the kind that tells dispach where and how fast your going at 75mph they get a pop up that states that unit 1 is speeding at 75 and at 85 mph your exssivey speeding and our rules and regs state you can only go...
  4. RMH4986

    Light Buffs: FD & EMS lighting?

    ok first i've never tryed that 2nd in ct you cant run with clear pd runs blue and red fd and ems run red and clear volly fire runs blue only and volly ems runs green all emgency vechlies have to have 1 yellow light on the back. and you can only have hi/lows if you have a cert and permit. good...
  5. RMH4986

    epi pens

    i know in ct that you can buy epi over the counter and you don't need a rx. tell me how that makes sence. i only asked the question b/c i was looking at day care for my son and the woman said that it was one of her certs now for me at the emt-b level it's part of my protocalls and i carry it in...
  6. RMH4986

    epi pens

    in the state of ct they have an epi pen cert but it's only good for one year i was wondering if this was the same around the nation or if ct is just :censored::censored::censored::censored:ed up?
  7. RMH4986

    Came across a pedestrian vs vehicle scene while driving and stopped & have questions

    your ok here in CT what you did is OK. also you did not have to stop and help out you only have to stop if your in an ambulance in your psa (primary service area). and if you do stop and help out you are covered under the good Samaritan laws. so you can do anything you need to help the person...
  8. RMH4986

    ABC's of being an EMT!

    a cuple more ARTG- Adverse Reaction To Gravity BFL- Buzzards Flying Low FDGB- Fall Down Go Boom
  9. RMH4986

    ABC's of being an EMT!

    one more for ya TUBE- Totally Unnecessary Breast Exam:rolleyes: