Recent content by PHRNJAK

  1. P

    Gift for nursing student

    When my sister in law graduated we got her a Vera Bradley bag, lunch box, and pencil case. they are nice gifts, sturdy, and come in handy. size of bag we got her would fit in a locker, also from working in hospitals the bag must be the open type (no zippers) I liked the bags so much, my mom...
  2. P

    New EMT-B

    Hi Everyone, Just wanted to post that I PASSED!!!! I am now a new EMT-B :D:D Just had my orientation at the squad today. gonna volunteer for the summer to get some experience. I did a lot of reading on this forum and it all helped me along the way. love reading the scenerios. next...
  3. P

    Students and other EMT`s on Ride Alongs?

    I am in the ride along phase of my education and have had a very good experience so far. I have been with excellent EMT's and Medics that have allowed me to do anything I have learned in school and am comfortable with. I function as a 3rd crew member basically doing everything except radio...
  4. P

    Twisted Ribbon Torsade de Pointes

    I have been a critical care nurse for 12 yrs. probably saw torsades maybe 3 times, maybe a little more. If a patient is montored in the hospital and they start throwing an increasing amount of multifocal PVC's then we check lytes and can usually detect a low Mg+ before it leads to this. never...
  5. P

    About going from EMT B to Paramedic and beyond

    I can speak for my area of Pennsylvania only. They do hire EMT's in the ER and their title would be a ER or ED tech. The pay around here for ED techs is similar to that of a CNA in the hospital. Maybe florida is similar.
  6. P

    Hi everyone,I'm new

    I could have gone right to the PHRN program(which is the bridge program) but felt I wanted the foundation of EMT-B. I am glad I did now, there are many differences from hospital to prehospital nursing. From what I gather, a PHRN is a "nurse" paramedic, and I would function in the role of a...
  7. P

    CPR Question regarding Laryngectomy

    my thoughts The CPR student with laryngectomy would have to use a BVM to deliver breaths. They are able to pass CPR and become certified as long as they meet all other requirements and effectively deliver breaths using the BVM. I guess if CPR was a job requirement then that person would have to...
  8. P

    Hi everyone,I'm new

    Hi, My name is Jen and I have been a critical care/emergency Registered Nurse for 12years. I volunteered on an ALS unit a long time ago and I am currently in school for my EMT-B cert then on to PHRN. I would love someday to be a flight nurse. I am from the lovely state of Pennsylvania:) I...