Recent content by Notown

  1. Notown

    How old were you?

    Basic @ 27, turn 28 on the 23rd, just got accepted to the Intermediate program about 20min ago.
  2. Notown

    Car bouncing on road like a pinball

    The biggest issue I've seen both in class and in the field is placement of the KED device. A lot of people seem to have trouble navigating the device into position while also maintaining proper C spine. A couple of my class mates failed the practical due to excessive spinal manipulation.:censored:
  3. Notown

    Car bouncing on road like a pinball

    The EMS people ive dealt with around here dont really seam all that fond of the KED device. What kind of benefits do you see where you are vs something like a short board? Just wondering:)
  4. Notown

    Patient refusals

    That sounds like a lot of what if's to me. So are you saying that the only time you would follow the DNR is if you new for a fact that the person did not change their mind directly prior to the incident? Again I must ask what is the point of a DNR if there is still this much doubt?
  5. Notown

    Patient refusals

    Im confused with some of the people that say that they would listen to the family member. I thought that the whole point of a valid DNR was to take away any possibility of confusion as to the patients wishes? What is the value of a DNR or Advanced directive if someone has the ability to override...
  6. Notown

    the 100% directionless thread

    Just told that joke to my wife...Now Im alone. So very very lonely.
  7. Notown

    Forgot oxygen

    According to my instructor, even if a patient does not necessarily need the O2, the placebo effect may make them "feel better" and help calm the situation. I'm not in the field yet but I've never really understood how that could be true. I would think that some patients would get more worked up...
  8. Notown

    5 Terrifying Secrets About Riding in an Ambulance

    When I said restraints I was thinking more along the lines of back board straps and such. Not so much actually restraining the patient. My fault.
  9. Notown

    40 y/o female heat exhaustion

    Correct me if I'm wrong but...As an EMTb aren't we supposed to transport any patient who is having gastric distress? I'm asking seriously not as a joke or anything.
  10. Notown

    I bought an ambulance today

    I'm sure I will. Nobody is above mistakes. I just love it when the "I know everything" person gets humbled.
  11. Notown

    I bought an ambulance today

    I met a para-god on my first clinical! Thought he was gods gift, until he screwed up a simple 5 lead. Dumb a#%!!!
  12. Notown

    I bought an ambulance today

    That is awesome!!!
  13. Notown

    5 Terrifying Secrets About Riding in an Ambulance

    I find it hard to believe that the patient restraints are "hardly used". You may not use all of them all of the time but come on... Hardly used!!
  14. Notown

    40 y/o female heat exhaustion

    I would move her to shade/rig, admin high flow oxy via non-rebreather, apply cool packs & offer water. Once she began vomiting I would transport rapidly.
  15. Notown

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Hi everyone, my name is Mike & im a EMTb. Im 27yo and live in Northern Nevada. My original life plan was to become a police officer. But a few major life events forced me to rethink that plan. Still, I wanted a career where I can help my community and provide for my family. The EMS field was the...