Recent content by medic_texas

  1. M

    Epinephrine Error

    lol - very true.
  2. M

    Epinephrine Error

    Ok, glad we cleared that up. :D I was just annoyed at all of the posts that I read through and some of the inaccurate information that was given. You should have read my original post before I edited it. lol
  3. M

    Epinephrine Error

    Where did I say there was a difference in the milligram? I want people to think why there is 2 different concentration ratios of Epi. Why do we have 2 different concentrations? I'm glad you cleared up the concentration ratio for everyone, but I'm already aware. No use trying to give me...
  4. M

    Epinephrine Error

    So if 1mg of Epi is... 1mg of Epi.. why the hell do we have 2 different concentrations? 1:10,000 1:1,000 Also, the vial isn't "oil based" and can be given IV - how do you think we mix epi- drips? 1 vial + 250ml of NS or D5W (this is in another thread as well). I'm not even going to...
  5. M

    Epi Drips

    That's awesome. I didn't even think about doing that. Learn something new every day. I can go back to bed now :)
  6. M

    Sulfa Allergies & Morphine

    First off, I'm not sure why you quoted me. The bulk of your post doesn't reflect my content. "Allergies to sulfa are directly related to antibiotics" Here is my source - However, not ALL SULFA (short for sulfonamide)...
  7. M

    RN with EMT cert???

    If you want to fly or advance your EMS education towards paramedic, you may need it. It looks good on a resume. If you're leaving EMS behind forever, let it go. Otherwise, it should be fairly simple to recert (a lot of college classes count as EMS CE as well as nursing CE).
  8. M

    Sulfa Allergies & Morphine

    I get the feeling medic417 is arguing this point because... he can. You keep twisting the topic and throwing in things just to keep your argument alive. The OP has a good and valid point from a situation that they encountered. Their paramedic preceptor was WRONG. When someone says...
  9. M

    Epi Drips

    You sure about that one?
  10. M

    Epi Drips

    Epi gtts are generally used for hypotensive patients (septic shock anyone?) who do not respond to vasopressors (such as levophed and dopamine). I can see it's use for anaphylactic shock as well in pre-hospital situations however I would be hesitant without a pump and a very educated/competent...
  11. M

    My pleasure, hope you get to feeling better!

    My pleasure, hope you get to feeling better!
  12. M

    EMS and meal "breaks"

    Where is that article about the medic in Europe somewhere (England?) who refused to help someone because he was on "break"? He got sued and reprimanded from what I remember. If you're working 911, you are not scheduled a "meal break" because you have plenty of down time to eat...
  13. M

    What is the easiest method to learning BP?

    Seriously? Horrible advice
  14. M

    Oklahoma Woman Shoots At An Ambulance

    Not sure how scene safety is a factor. You're called to a residence for chest pain and you have to worry about gunfire? Not very typical. I'm glad nobody was hurt but that could happen to anyone with horrible results.
  15. M

    Interesting run recently

    Just curious here but did you give glucagon because it was in your protocol or did you do it because you found information regarding glucagon and your scenario? Sounds like a good job on your part - I'm just weary of going outside of protocol on weird situations, if that's the case.