Recent content by LucidResq

  1. LucidResq

    vodka tampons, "butt chugging" Teens stupid tricks to get drunk

    I get the feeling these are more urban legend, maybe someone somewhere did it once but now we're calling a big trend, kinda things. Has anyone ever actually seen a victim of vodka tampons or "skittle parties" or that poo-huffing thing? I've never heard of it. Morning glory, bath salts...
  2. LucidResq

    Call taker test

    Our center and others I've applied to use Criticall. You can Google it. It tests typing speed, memory, multitasking, etc. Sounds similar to what Linus took. It depends on the agency and area. I know California has some weird specific certification process (go figure). Most are going to test...
  3. LucidResq

    the 100% directionless thread

    Oh the annual shift bid. A four-month poker game that inevitably ends with resentment and even tears.
  4. LucidResq

    Excited and nervous. I got accepted to paramedic school.

    Study hard in A&P!!! It's not easy and will require extra time. If you have a lab section... experience as much as you possibly can. It WILL pay off. If you have the opportunity to take part in any kind of dissection labs jump in. Things start to click when you can get your hands in it...
  5. LucidResq

    the 100% directionless thread

    Crazy exes... the stains neither alcohol, restraining orders, or Oxyclean can rid you of.
  6. LucidResq

    crohn's and medical marijuana, and employment

    By the way, don't get discouraged by comments such as this. Although it's absolutely true, it's no reason to give up on EMS and the key word is "may". It's just something to consider. A lot of it depends on how severe your Crohn's is and how well you manage it. I have interstitial cystitis...
  7. LucidResq

    crohn's and medical marijuana, and employment

    Sorry I'm late on this one. I was recently diagnosed with a condition that involves a lot of chronic pain. I understand how you feel, because when faced with the options of tricyclic antidepressants, antiepileptics, or heavy-duty opiods... it's hard to write off medical marijuana, especially...
  8. LucidResq

    the 100% directionless thread

    No he's a body snatcher :wacko:
  9. LucidResq

    the 100% directionless thread

    I'm going nuts. It's sitting there recorded on the DVR but I can't watch it until the boy gets back from hunting in like 4 days. :wacko: NO SPOILERS!!!
  10. LucidResq

    "You work for me!" How to respond?"

    My favorite thing is these are the same people who whine about how high their taxes are, and are always calling for the most trivial of problems. Unrelated to EMS, the last time I fielded one of these statements was when taking a call complaining about some kid skateboarding down a residential...
  11. LucidResq

    the 100% directionless thread

    LOL! I'm eating pumpkin pie for breakfast as we speak.
  12. LucidResq

    What Are the Dispatchers Thinking?

    It is sooo varied. I work at a totally integrated 911 center - we handle medical, fire and police for the entire city. Everyone starts as a calltaker and soon cross-trains to dispatch police and fire/EMS. People here will often spend a few hours dispatching PD, then a few on Fire, then some...
  13. LucidResq

    What Are the Dispatchers Thinking?

    I took a call from a nurse at an urgent care center for a 20 year old male, c/c: difficulty breathing. Me: "do you have any idea what's going on? " (trying to get a general idea - asthma? anxiety attack?) RN: "no but the PA is starting to intubate him." Me: "Ok they're on the way bye." (I now...
  14. LucidResq

    What Are the Dispatchers Thinking?

    As a dispatcher, when you don't cooperate with me you are negatively affecting my ability to send this dying man an ambulance, with on-duty paramedics who have the equipment to treat him more effectively and take him to a hospital. If you haven't worked as a dispatcher you don't know everything...
  15. LucidResq


    Just FIND eh? ;) I had to, sorry. And welcome Gunn, there are several folks here from your neck of the woods that will be happy to give you some ideas.